Even worse, there's no worthy benefit for kernel anti-cheat. Linux players are being excluded for reasons that have no purpose for players.
Shit with the current 50 series pricing and availability, the 4090 I got myself for Christmas is looking responsible too. It doesn't even need a 1000 watt PSU
Your time is their money. Capitalism is powerful because you live on the scraps of what you make while giving most everything to the person that tells you to make it. Not sure how anyone who collects payments from customers for repairs or installations, can remain sane after seeing that they're billed out for at least 10x what they get compensated.
He's right in some instances. Not all books are healthful.
Your rounds remaining don't magically fly into your next mag, they get left on the ground with the mag you just shot only a single round out of
I mix a ~~tiny~~ bit of honey mustard into my rice with spicy curry
I love it and enjoy it, but it involuntarily makes my legs tremble and my mouth dry. But emotionally I feel fine
What's interesting to me about this and other features is that they all actually benefit Valve, as long as the EU/Australia require them to issue refunds upon request. Without refunds then these features are simply charity, but presently it's good business.
I wonder if writing that up is a full-time job. I'd love to interview chickens.
Yup, get used to it, electoralism is an enemy of all but the strongest class
So the reason why Linux players can't play is because the anti-cheat hooks into the kernel of the OS. And the anti-cheat is made for the Windows kernel. It is entirely possible for them to make one that is compatible with Linux but they won't. Besides, hooking into the kernel does not offer complete protection against cheats.
So hooking into the kernel is unwarranted given that the anti-cheat software is potentially able to transmit malware and observe everything on your computer since it has direct access to the kernel, even though cheating is still possible.