
joined 2 years ago
[–] 3 points 3 days ago

Because contrary to what they say in public, they actually do believe a global climate disaster is coming. They all have extremely well-stocked doomsday bunkers the size of small towns with a host of servants to keep them fat and happy, and they’re now trying to juice us for all we’re worth before we die.

Some of them are dominionists, too, and are either convinced Jesus is coming back any day now or are determined to kick off WW3 like it will be a signal flare. They’re desperate for the rapture, and they’re more than willing to kill us all to get it.

The really dangerous ones are a mix of both, and now they’re fully in charge.

[–] 48 points 3 days ago (3 children)

Holy shit, I called it.

I thought they’d have Congress do it, but this was more efficient, so yay?

[–] 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I’ve seen plenty of evidence that disenfranchisement was off the charts, and it hit me personally.

In Michigan, I’ve been disabled and homebound for years and have never had issues voting by mail, but this time rather than my usual automatic mail-in ballot, I got an application for a vote-by-mail ballot after the deadline. I was still registered, but I had to go in person.

I’d have crawled through hot broken glass naked to vote, so I did it, but only because I live in a small enough town there wasn’t a queue. If I’d had to vote in the city, I could not physically have done it.

I’ll bet plenty of others like me simply could not.

[–] 23 points 3 days ago


In other news, noted medieval alchemist RFk Jr was recently confirmed as Health Secretary.

And in yet other news: Soylent Green stocks jumped 16%.

[–] 47 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I just can’t anymore. Sorry guys, I’ve been too sick and can no longer cope.

I pop in once a week so I can say, aloud: ‘Jesus fuck this bastard.’

So here’s my weekly ablution. Dog help us all.

[–] 2 points 3 days ago (2 children)

It sounds like there wasn’t an extra coating that I removed, but that I just etched the fired coating, making it dull rather than glossy – so it’s the same outer coating that existed, it’s just not glossy anymore. In theory, it’s still as food-safe as it was, but it’s porous now (it kinda feels like silicone).

[–] 1 points 4 days ago
[–] 15 points 5 days ago

Ooohhhh Long Donson!

Thanks for your service.

[–] 4 points 5 days ago (2 children)

Oh no.

Thanks for letting me know. I may have access to that kind of furnace, but I’m not sure I could convince them to put my stupid little colander in there, because that’s silly.

I appreciate your insight, even though it makes me sad. I kinda thought that might be the case, though. Cheers.

[–] 5 points 5 days ago (2 children)

That’s a great point. The dishwasher itself isn’t usually the problem, though, right? It’s letting things air dry in there, so water sits in crevices. If you take things out immediately and towel-dry them, they’re fine.

I don’t typically wash things with metal crevices in the dishwasher because I’m too lazy to be hawkish like that, and cookware/lids and knives are strictly forbidden anyhow. If I have to work to restore this thing, I’ll never let it air dry again.

[–] 5 points 5 days ago (4 children)

The CLR did kill every sign of rust, so silver linings.

[–] 75 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (1 children)

This image needs to be all over twitter and truth social. Trump hates images like this. I want him to see dozens of copies of this whilst he shits at 3am. Just flood him with it.

e: I can’t spell


Guys, I fucked up. I have what was a beautiful two-tone colander that looked nice and retro, with a shiny red finish. After some use, there was a very tiny amount of rust showing in places around the rim, and my dumbass self decided to soak it in CLR like I do with anything metal that gets signs of rust. It didn’t occur to me that it would remove the gloss finish from the powder-coated enamel.

Now it looks and feels awful, like it has a dull, pink, rubbery coating instead of the beautiful glossy bright red finish of yore.

Is there a product I can use to polish it back to beauty? It wasn’t cheap and has been discontinued, so I’d like to restore it if possible.

I’ve searched online but my Google-fu isn’t worthy, apparently. Thanks in advance!


Animals live in an entirely different reality FYI

This video compares the perception of sound and reality ‘refresh rates’ between animals like dogs, cats, Guinea pigs, ducks, small birds, elephants, insects, etc.


‘Taco Bell isn't even good’

Yeah I know. Sometimes the raccoon inside of me craves garbage. Leave me & my Crunchwrap alone.


cross-posted from:

There are many reasons you might have unclaimed funds (abandoned accounts, uncashed checks, misspelled names, incorrect addresses, misplaced inheritance and trusts, etc), and your state is required to hold your property until you claim it.

They will not seek you out, and most people are completely unaware they may have lost funds or property being held by the state.

Every state has an official (.gov) website where you can check whether you have unclaimed property and submit a claim. Just search ‘[my state] unclaimed property’.

e: make sure you go to the official state website; I just noticed some state search top results aren’t the official (.gov) website.

e2: also, check every state you’ve lived in. Moving state is one of the major reasons this happens, and your unclaimed funds will not move to a new state with you.

e3: if you find unclaimed funds, please comment! I’m fascinated to know, no matter how large or small.


There are many reasons you might have unclaimed funds (abandoned accounts, uncashed checks, misspelled names, incorrect addresses, misplaced inheritance and trusts, etc), and your state is required to hold your property until you claim it.

They will not seek you out, and most people are completely unaware they may have lost funds or property being held by the state.

Every state has an official (.gov) website where you can check whether you have unclaimed property and submit a claim. Just search ‘[my state] unclaimed property’.

e: make sure you go to the official state website; I just noticed some state search top results aren’t the official (.gov) website.

e2: also, check every state you’ve lived in. Moving state is one of the major reasons this happens, and your unclaimed funds will not move to a new state with you.

e3: if you find unclaimed funds, please comment! I’m fascinated to know, no matter how large or small.

Escape (

You’re lucky – an overhead cubby and 3 drawers. Plenty of places to hide booze.


The basis for my theory:

If we developed warp drive, genetic manipulation, and transporter tech, I’d reckon even before that we’d first figure out how to make dogs live for hundreds of years. Because that’s easier and of course we would.

I’ve seen people post that it must have been like Porthos v9 because of the time difference, but there’s no way that dog didn’t outlive Archer by decades, because if we’re going to do anything good as a species, it will be making sure our dogs outlive us.

So Scotty lost the OG Porthos.

e: better phrasing


It’s just sight gag after sight gag. I kept waiting for it to get better, but it never did. It’s like a live-action Woody Woodpecker cartoon, which was fine when I was 7, but is shallow and boring now.

Why is everyone raving about it? What am I missing?


Reddit has so many bots, formulaic comments, and clear patterns (reposts, call-and-response, joke chains, & copypasta), that it seems useful to farm Lemmy for more unique comments performing well to steal.

I could see value of someone farming these comments because there’s far less of all that and people are actually creative much of the time. I don’t know if this would be more trouble than it’s worth, but got to wondering.

Is anyone doing this? Farming Lemmy for, especially, comments to post on Reddit to make themselves seem more authentic?

Do you know of this is plausible, or have you actually seen it happen?

Just to be very clear, I don’t want to do this. I abandoned all my other accounts during the Great Enshittification. But there are a few bot accounts that post a lot here, across several instances, focussing on reposting from Reddit and elsewhere. Is that what they’re trying to do?

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