I could be wrong, but fairly sure it's https://www.instagram.com/arsonprincess/ otherwise, here is the original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAhgGWgUvBc
That was fun and only slightly went over my head
Thanks, I was worried about trying this, but if it's my only option I'll give it a go after I try another clean and resolder.
Thanks, I'll try and find the trace and solder a wire and maybe some supports.
awesome, I was struggling to figure out where tracers went, I'll try the light trick.
I did try using flux, I tried cleaning it with a toothbrush dipped in isopropyl alcohol, but I'll try water and bud tomorrow.
I think I'm using decent solder, I bought it from my local electronics store. It has no discernible branding but does contain a mixture which includes flux. My soldering iron is a fairly expensive one and has treated me well, but I don't think I take good care of the tip.
I'll try a sand as well tomorrow. Thanks for all the advice and encouragement :D
I'm excited, I've been replaying through the series. I'll probably not pick it up immediately, but eventually.
I love them
Ik, my brother was playing it by himself all last night. Jokes aside I'm really glad, I'm gonna round up the crew and mvm
I think stick to the red if you're mounting it near the existing one. Regardless, if you do end up printing the other colours, please post. I think an opaque green would look really good.
I have very little experience (6 prints so far on an ender 3).
When is the last time you've leveled your bed?
I had a similar tubing issue (no idea what the term is) where there would just be random tubes off the objects body.
I manually leveled and printed again and the print came out fine.
Good luck
Awesome design, very consistent with the rest of the parts
Ngl, I read Hasbro