Yeah. It’s really sad that a lot of people on remote areas in the Amazon will be affected by a ban on starlink. They also spent quite a bit of money for Brazil’s standards on the equipment as well.
Still, this shouldn’t be the reason to put anyone above the law, no one should be above a county’s law.
If this actually happens it may really backfire on Elon and all companies he’s involved, at least in Brazil.
As you invested your money in one of his companies products and now because of his massive ego/lack of mental stability you either lost support, functionality or access to parts (for maintenance of hardware) and I doubt any of his companies would pay their users for this inconvenience. This would make using any of the products he’s involved with too risky, better to just use a more “mentally stable” competitor even if the service or product is slightly worse.
I don’t know anything about this subject with the exception of a video I watched a while ago mentioning that most hydroponic startups end up failing because the cost is too high as you always need a specialist and you can only grow smaller plants/veggies there. This compared with traditional farms.
Does this change that at all? I’m hoping it does as I’d love that hydroponics got much more financially viable as I honestly believe they’ll be our future considering global warming and pests as well.
I think I found some. They all come with the plastic part, are the pins removable like regular pin headers or I’d have 2 plastic “strips” when I have them plugged in?
Regarding the diode legs. Aren’t them too flimsy. If I remove the microcontroller would it be easy to plug it back or they’ll bend too easily. I think I have some diodes laying around I could use
So, which one from that listing should I buy? They look all like regular male ones
There’s another actor who’s quite charismatic and famous who’d pretty much fit any role the rock gets like a glove. John Cena
It’s a shame the Fable is not on this list. All the animes on Disney plus feel like they have no advertising at all. Well, loser rangers is there though so maybe it’s just not for everyone
Edit: oh. Just saw the full list. It’s quite low, pretty sad considering it’s not just another isekai lookalike like most new animes
Oh. Thanks. I’ll use the flux in the solder only. I’m quite a noob at that so I just got the soldering iron and the solder. I will see about getting the alcohol and use a toothbrush to clean it off after.
Thanks a lot for taking the time to answer :)
So. This is the solder I have I tried to check the facts sheet on the downloads section but couldn’t find any info on the flux used there. I’ll see about buying the clear nail polish.
The solder I’m using is this one:
This is the description:
1mm lead free resin core solder. Contains tin and copper 99.3/0.07
Thanks again for the advice. I’ll wear a mask when soldering.
Thank you very much for answering.
I believe the pcb is lead free as I got it from jlcpcb and they have it written in the package of each side that they’re lead free. The solder itself is also lead free from a reputable electronic store near where I live so I think it should be safe. I live in an apartment so it will be tricky to do it outside, I may try to solder it where my cooktop is as I can turn on the range hood to suck the bad air up.
Do I need to clean the flux that comes with the solder or it’s not that big of a deal? I’d expect that touching it when dry would be safe as well right?