I’ll volunteer as tribute. I might be good moderator because I am a nearly professional lurker and strongly prefer my social networks supportive and funny and not overrun with bad. My Reddit account is u/buttercup614 for background check purposes.
Sure seems it wasn’t anti-extremism but maybe that awful joke about school violence that go him banned but I’m just spitballing here.
There are tons of new 5 star reviews that are obvious bots on there. Really interesting read.
Lol and, I cannot stress this enough, lmao.
Hi! In an effort to not be a lurker, I’m going to introduce myself. I’m mid thirties, product manager by trade, dog person who recently came to have a cat when a kitten wandered into my house two weeks ago. Cis male. Bad at posting. Excited to see where this goes!
I somehow feel simultaneously attacked and seen.
I remember seeing the video when this happened in Atlanta and was terrified. It was a mess to clean up here, I can’t imagine what it’s going to do to all of that I-95 traffic.
Arguments and disagreements happen, especially when you’re going through something stressful and especially especially when one member of a relationship struggles with emotional self awareness. You know this already, but I know for me that having a reminder that everyone has moments like this. Please don’t spend too much time feeling embarrassed!
Sounds like your partner has already given up on communicating for today at least. Maybe tomorrow approach him with something like “hey, I know things got heated yesterday, and I’m sorry for my part in it. Can we just put that aside for now? I don’t want to be away from you and I don’t want to be upset with each other before your procedure.” That might convince him to take the truce and not shut you out.
Diverticulitis surgery outcomes are usually pretty positive, especially compared to complications from the condition. Just keep your chin up, you got this.