But now you get what they were Göring for?
Diamonds are forever, but emeralds are for fascists.
"All the enemies of the Constitution borrow the name and language of patriotism to spread error, discord and false principles... It is thus that public opinion is excited and becomes disorganized; the general will becomes powerless and invalid and patriotism... sometimes seconds, through blind impetuosity, the evil projects of the enemies of our freedom." -MR
Europe will likely have to spend double the rumored 700 billion to achieve something credible.
So, what you're saying is that this spending package for defense is NonCredible?
Props if it is:
- I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew
- Yertle the Turtle
- The Sneetches
Not until we can blame it on a scapegoate group. E.g. "Spanish" flu.
Good thing everybody's respecting laws and treaties these days!
all blonde and a bit cute
🏆 Most Swede Comment Award
Ironically, would that be a Happy Meal?
Trump and MAGA politics
Maybe the language we use to describe them is itself normalising and pacifying. Like calling a Nazi salute a "hand gesture."
I would suggest "a criminal dictator and fascist politics" as a substitute in your sentence to provoke an acceptable, proportionate reaction.