Wow, you sure got butthurt. Too bad I didn't say anything about the people in Florida, they're more than welcome to live somewhere more sensible, say... on actual land, rather than a sandbar and a bit of hole-y limestone. But feel free to go down with the sandy ship you call home if you want. You can find me up the hill a little ways, laughing.
Please let this be the year that Florida finally sinks.
Yeah, it's not like the kids are just showing up at the school. There's still a registration process, part of which includes providing the school with documentation that your kid has their shots.
Now, is their an increase in waivers? I could see that maybe being an argument, in that if you don't have "papers" you might be less likely to seek medical care, especially preventative care.
I reported a bunch of spam-link bots, porn-bots posting CSAM-adjacent stuff, and a slew of stuff that was very obviously and blatantly in violation of Reddit ToS.
All the links/content remained and my account got suspended for "abusing the report function". Considering the content I reported, it's a safe guess that Reddit admin and moderation teams benefit from having such material on the site. Not sure how, or why. But their actions seem to indicate something.
Then you look at the controversies Reddit has had... that one dude's suicide, Ghislaine Maxwell holding a powermod position on front-page subs, the powermod controversy wherein a dozen or so mods had thousands of subreddits under their control.
There's also been a huge attitude shift. While most of it seems the same, there's a very strong anti-American presence now that seems to make sure they fit that sentiment into every thread whether it's justified, related, or completely out of place.
The Reddit algorithms or whatever also seem to love pushing certain topics to the point of stripping it of any/all meaning and turning into propaganda.
Misleading title; SMM's "final" level creator came right out and said it was a trolling joke they let go a little too far. And also acknowledged the person who completed the non-troll "final" SMM level.
Flapping about, feeling morally superior... did you even try to search for an answer or did you just want to virtue signal? Take a look at RIsc, or Arm... or w/e the Chinese just released.
Nostalgia sure seems like quite the "go to" for anything "new" these days...
What do I think happens to people? Considering it's the internet, and my comment was tangential enough to the topic that I didn't think I'd need to write an essay because someone got their feefees hurt after baking in the sun too long.
I'll make sure to donate to a life-vest or pool-floaty fund or something to make up for it.