That sounds like the best way to find how he feels about them.
joined 7 months ago
He even named six ships.
Wie soll sich die FDP als Bürokratie-Abbauer positionieren, wenn sie schon abgebaut wurde? Das ist doch unfair.
We already had two World Wars and civilization still exists. It's not as scary as people think, basically. /s
Yeah, as if the desktop was the product
Quite optimistic view. Do you think they will be so nice and give you a completely unobstructed working area? I am pretty sure that contradicts every sane ad strategy. Where is the "Watch one minute of ads before we can start your application" window in the center? Where are the 5 identical buttons of which only one will get you to file explorer, the other ones lead to File Explorer Plus only for 5,99$ per week?
Oha, wurde Reichelt auch schon von einem Dämonen angegriffen?