A few friends and I will get together periodically to watch a Nic Cage movie. Depending on the vibe of our selection, we call our viewing party either "Cage Rage" or "Nic at Night". It started off with us just watching weird/eccentric movies, but since weird films and films with Nic Cage tend to have a lot of overlap, it became Cage centered. Mandy and Pig were the two that really kicked it off (Pig is probably my favorite so far). We actually just watched Vampire's Kiss last night-- mainly to know where the meme comes from, but it was a very entertaining dark comedy. The first ten minutes he feels a little out of place and maybe miscast, but then it slowly spirals and you realize how perfect he is for the role.
I share a first name with a mythological deity, so introductory conversations usually start with "Oh, like the god/goddess of...", but I don't mind it too much because I happen to really enjoy mythology in general. It's a great icebreaker most of the time and only annoying when someone frames it as "Did you know?" Like, even if it wasn't one of those dieties most of us learn about in middle or high school history class, do you think you're the first person to explain this to me in the last 30+ years of my life?
The thing that really bothers me is people have this strange inclination to sing my name at me after they learn it. It's been used in a good handful of songs and is even the title for one by a famous 60s/70s band. The weird thing is some people aren't even referencing one of those songs. They just make up their own little tune.
Repo! The Genetic Opera. It's a rock opera horror set in a dystopian future where organ repossession is a thing. I enjoyed it and might even add it to my background noise rotation.
Thank you so much for the thoughtful response! I am feeling a little more at ease, and this will help me narrow my questions for the vet this week.
He is such a sweet boy. Only be afraid if you are another cat sitting in a seat he decided he wants to sit in now. He. Will. Sits.
Would you mind telling me about your experience? My poor Meeka is likely going to have all of her teeth extracted soon. Her teeth are fine, but the gums get super inflamed to the point where they bleed if you touch them. We've been managing the symptoms with meds and have an appointment next week with another vet with better on-hand equipment to try and determine root cause. My vet assures me she will be happier if it does come to extraction, and the research I've done seems like she will more or less live her life like she normally does. I think the thought of the first few days/weeks post-op is what feels most daunting right now.
Are you maybe thinking of S1E12 of The Orville?