Bei uns ist es das Christkind. Sobald die Kinder groß genug sind wird ihnen erklärt dass man für seine lieben zum Christkind wird. Also man beschenkt die anderen.das finde ich Recht gut.
joined 2 years ago
Non American here but is that not against the law? He is no official representative...
Had to take a second glance as this cutie looks exactly like my cat.
In Germany usually the wedding ring is on the right hand not on the left.
In regards to the pictures a gulf seems to be a coastline fed by a river. A bay being a mostly round coastline and a wound being a small coastline that gets bigger.
Absolutely agree. Asimov for example. Science fiction that was and still is very inspiring and almost controversial
I am still angry about what they did to homm.
Rome has a subway. 2 lines in fact. Running almost like a cross through the city.
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