Here for that. Work up an appetite for therapy sounds like a plan.
May their Souls Rest in peace. Knowing he's resting from grieving his child is a good feeling to have in the midst of your grief.
IF tell me you are a Gecko or Iguana without saying so was a tweet.
Might as well call it Notheonion
What are your reading habits like?
Reading for work related issue and for leisure daily from waking up to going to bed. light article reading to complex peer reviewed journals. That said, I let my mind guide what i am inerested in reading for the day or week. I usuallu would not force myself else everything gets fuzzy and it becomes a waste of time.
What do you like to read?
Autobiographies of people that cut across all walks of life across the globe. Politics, law, finance, Medicine and Agriculture. Amazon cart is constantly getting added to.
Journals like Lancet, AVJMR, etc. Once in a while if a caselaw in a country interest me i source it out to review. Daily journal or Justia can be helpful for US related ones.
What kind of stage of life are you in, and how does that affect it?
Mid-30's, same leaning for books or materials of interest to read since i was a teenager. Not a fan of fiction since Harry potter and Otherworld series.
Have you made any changes, positive or negative, to your reading habits?
I have included audiovisuals to my repository . I listen to Podcast (Wondery Plus is the Goat!!!) and documentaries (History Channel) if the material i am trying to read or study is in that form.
RIP Berlusconi.