My thought too, it's the snear on the right that got me!
From what I know about the Mayans, I suspect few other places on earth would require it or be able to facilitate it. IIRC don't think there are many, if any, rivers in the Yucatan peninsula, it's very flat - though there are underground rivers that cut through the limestone bedrock. I expect almost everywhere else has rivers and lakes to not need to build anything or is too hot or dry, rainfall wise to maintain something like that. It's not that far from the sea though, which is interesting, so maybe the type of fish hunted were a specialty?
Cheering on the Snowy and Barn owls. They're both on the same side of the draw so I may have to pick one if they both reach the semis!
Pot kettle black. Also a monstrous gobshite. He was bad enough just as an annoying business owner, now we have to put up with so much more.
Welcome to politics, there's all sorts going on that we know nothing about that will influence who says what about whom, when and why. Hypocrisy is irrelevant to these people. He's just influencing.
Today/the last week, I have been mostly listening to Instant Rewards by Tides from Nebula, along side their previous album From Voodoo to Zen.
Probably not, there's plenty of people who mostly just listen to the radio and don't own much music. Sounds much the same. If it doesn't work for you then it doesn't work for you!
It's an awesome opening to the album, "oooaaaahhh POWERRRNERRD!", classic Devin!
At 45 i consider myself to have reached Pro-am status.
Go faster stripes FTW!
Always need more adventure
4 could be a Rotala sp also