I’m fairly certain this is showing an exponential trend in CO2 emissions, not a linear trend. The slope changes as a function of time. Linear isn’t really a good fit for the data.
This is why I always git push origin +branch_name
I don’t game much, but with the few games I do occasionally play I’ve had really good success at getting them to run on Linux under proton. It’s way better than it was even a few years ago.
That’s valid, but if it’s a dump I would have a hard time describing it as an asset, at least in the financial sense. But I suppose it could be if you’re willing to put in the work to fix it up.
Even if it’s not, houses appreciate 5% a year on average. Assuming average appreciation over 10 years that house is now worth ~163% of its original value. That means that the mortgage was taken out for ~61% of what a comparable house would go for today which assuming the same interest rate would be a fairly significant reduction in the monthly payment. You also have the potential to refinance to further reduce that monthly payment.
Or you could sell it and get that 10 years of equity + appreciation out in cash and that might be enough for a sizable down payment elsewhere.
TL;DR unless your parent’s place is a dump in a low demand area it’s an asset even if it isn’t paid off.
Roads that are safer for pedestrians and cyclists get more people out of their cars. Longer car commute times make people consider alternatives such as public transit, walking, or biking. Every additional person who isn’t in their car has an exponential decrease in automobile congestion. This is all relatively well understood within urban planning and traffic engineering.
I see. That is an entirely separate discussion. Whenever you bring up air conditioning on a thread about the ozone layer everyone is going to assume you’re talking about the refrigerants.
You realize that banning CFC’s did have massive implications on industry right? Most CFC use was industrial. This comment really just shows that you’re clueless on the history of this issue. Consumer air conditioning was far from the only casualty. If we had not banned CFC’s then the ozone layer would be in an absolutely dire state today.
The Montreal Protocol is literally proof that if international governments wanted to they could come together and stop industry from destroying the planet, and you think we should roll that back for air conditioning? Give me a fucking break dude.
That we should go back to knowingly destroying the ozone layer because the lingering effects of our previous attempts at destroying it haven’t gotten completely better yet and that has had bad effects on air conditioning. Won’t anyone think of the poor deprived people forced to sit in their cars that are a sweltering 70 degrees Fahrenheit?
Not familiar with the APS form factor, but is it possible to buy some of the canisters and bulk roll it yourself? You can buy large rolls of motion picture film for bulk rolling. Depending on the size of APS you may have to cut the film yourself. You will also very likely have to develop yourself as most labs won’t touch films with a remjet layer.
Edit: incase it wasn’t apparent you’d have to do this in a darkroom.
You and I have vastly different experiences of cities. I grew up in the middle of nowhere in a town of 5,000 and I would never even consider moving back to a rural area, or even a suburb. I own a house in a city that is on the list above, but I’d prefer to have an apartment in nyc. As for traffic, live in the right place and you don’t have to drive. I’ve been car free for years. I recognize that is not an option in a lot of US cities, but it should be. I also don’t really have any issue with crowds and I think the trash problem is very exaggerated.
I’m not saying that cities are better for everyone, but a lot of people genuinely prefer them.
For a 700k salary I would 100% take the risk. Don’t change your lifestyle after you get the job and just pocket the extra cash. If you get fired having Netflix on your resume should allow you to find a new position fast enough to come out on top of the deal provided that you are able to make it a few months at Netflix.
If you are fortunate enough to have 3-6 months of expenses in an emergency fund then there is very little downside as long as you are able to maintain the correct headspace.