Die Kanone Megatank Geräte sind gar nicht so schlecht. Samsung ist nicht ohne Grund aus dem Druckergeschäft ausgestiegen. Bei HP würde ich mir wünschen dass sie aussteigen.
joined 2 years ago
Ugh, tell me about it. I just replaced my server. New machine has 128tb at half capacity. My family is starving
My stationary devices are named after evil characters from middle earth, ungoliant, gothmog, morgoth etc. Mobile devices are named after good characters, illuvatar, gil-galad, elendil. My dad uses native American tribes for names.
Completely agree. I made the switch from Arch to nix two weeks ago. Although I have to admit for a Linux newbie it might be a bit much at once. Maybe start with something easier like Pop is?
Completely agree. Switched from Debian to unraid for my new server at home 4 weeks ago. Boy do I regret that decision.
Fax läuft heutzutage zu 99% über voip. Ohne Internet kein fax
So what? This justifies murdering civilians, raping women, kidnapping civilians?