Yeah I've seen some bits about that, they were looking into how Musk was interfering with the Ukraine war I think?
I have one of the original IBM Microdrives, the 340MB version, sitting here on my desk. Hmm I wonder if I can find anything with a PCMCIA slot to test if this still works?
Let me simplify it for you... Musk has been targeting agencies that stood in the way of SpaceX. Did you hear he started targeting OSHA this week because of the spotlight on Musk's intentional dismissal of safety regulations? Or that he is also targeting the consumer protection agency? Everything that protects regular citizens is being shut down as "wasteful", and his only criteria is anything that costs him money or prevents him from exploiting workers.
Certainly not all of them, and I believe the defendants have the ability to choose the court district where the case is held. Looks how often Musk has used Texas courts to get his way.
My only hope in this is that these agencies always have backups available to restore the original code and undo the damage to the servers. Since all of their code was being done on live servers and completely unvetted, none of it can be trusted so all of it needs to be wiped out for security reasons.
The other bonus is that Musk is going to be tied up in court cases for years. Any time there is the slightest appearance of unauthorized knowledge against one of his competitors, they are going to bring up the question in court as the whether or not he followed the court order to destroy all of the information he illegally accessed. One can hope this leads to a series of devastating blows against any of his new business deals.
Oh I don't think my computer could handle that! I usually have to restart firefox anyway whenever I do a clean-up and close a few hundred tabs.
Is the 1080p mode just hiding black bars present in the 1200p stream? Could be a stupid gimmick to get people to choose a particular uploader's torrents.
Damn that's a LOT of memory for those processes. And wow, 9G for only 56 tabs? I currently have around 2600 tabs open (yeah I know, time to do some clean-up), I always assumed that was the reason why my firefox was using so much memory.
I've heard some aspects of gaming are supported really well (I think things like Steam?), but other aspects just don't have any backing because the developers only focus on Windows. I would think anyone who supports both Windows and Mac would also be able to port to Linux, but then I look at Microsoft who specifically avoids any support for linux or the software they do support just really sucks (looking at you, Teams).
If games are your main focus then Linux may not be for you. If productivity is your focus, then try imagining not being plagued by viruses or having to reboot every five minutes because of a system update. As with anything, different tools are best for different tasks.
Oof how much space do those Minecraft instance take up??? My biggest usage is from Firefox, usually takes about 10GB of memory on my 16GB systems, but I run a lot of heavier stuff like building 3D models in the rest of the available space. I'm waiting on a replacement motherboard so I can upgrade to 32G though.
Sometimes I wonder what actual programs Linux permanents use on the daily.
For me it's the usual stuff like Firefox and Thunderbird, plus chat programs running constantly, with ssh consoles, VM managers, and text documents sitting in the background. Depending on which project I'm working on at the time I might be using GIMP, OpenSCAD, developing circuit boards, printing 3D models, writing arduino code, designing model train layouts, managing photographs or using kstars to run my star tracker. And there's the more mundane stuff like having LibreOffice and PDF docs open, playing music, or watching a downloaded TV show. I really get into a lot of different projects so from month to month there will always be something different running on my desktop.
I did finally break down and order a newer LGA1155 motherboard so I can bump up to 32G of memory, should be here tomorrow and then maybe I won't run so dangerously close to running out of memory all the time. Having to wait half an hour while firefox does garbage collection really sucks.
Sure thing, we'll just move everyone to permanent DST because that makes the most sense and causes the least amount of problems...
Or did you think we were going to switch everyone OFF of DST because that's your personal preference?