these are targeted at boomers who are already programmed to feel guilty about about any decision that effects profit margins.
the fuck is bluesky?
the emotional resentment comes from the perpetual victim mentality. the only way their way of life works is if they are constantly under attack by a villain of the week thats simultaneously incompetent and feeble but also sadistic and near unstoppable.
it looked exactly like that until like a year ago or something. steam is the only app i know that got updated like every single day and literally nothing changed in it for years at a time.
maybe if you can convince them that global warming helps out joe biden they will be against it.
all you need to know is how to extract compressed files. if youre familiar with that then installing cracked games will be easy for you. as most have said, fitgirl is a great place to get games because she has been in the game a long time and is considered a credible source. most installers will copy the crack for you but generally the most work you have to do after a pirated game install is copy the crack folder over the files in the game folder, disabled firewall access if it asks, and possibly run as administrator. thats it. if the place youre getting games from is trustworthy youre safe to ignore any anti-virus warnings because generally game cracks can cause false positives.
Prompt engineer is the next soundcloud rapper or instagram model.
"we wont use cluster bombs anymore....we wont use them any less either"
I guess she found a way to make money on a book nobody is buying after all.
Lenny = white Karl = black
whataboutism is a common tactic for conservatives. instead of using it to condemn an action they use it to excuse it. their double standards have become so apparent that it doesn't trigger any sort of cognitive dissonance when a Democrat is condemned for doing something a Republican already did. any sane person could make the argument "aren't they both bad then?" and it will go completely unheard.