if only there was some community about it where you could read more about it
i'm not high i just ate a REALLY crunchy chicken nugger and weeeeeeeeeeeeee
dracula wouldn't even do it out of rage, he'd just rip a fat toke (making it completely impossible to see out of the car) and pull out the flipper zero like activating a mario kart item
let's not push people into identities, yeah? femboy is a perfectly valid identity and doesn't mean someone is "actually trans", only the person themselves can decide if they're trans.
i literally had no idea other nonbinary people change their names lmao
i guess they're nonbinary in a different way? i just reject the notion of gender, not sure why i'd want to change my name
yeah, yeah it is
i mean if you know anything about electicity it should be pretty clear that he's not putting that kind of power into this, desalination is REALLY energy intensive.
also it's kinda irrelevant since you can't desalinate water you don't have..
i have like 0 issues with ddg, despite people saying it's somehow worse
only like.. a fucking decade late or something? jesus
unless of course you're like mrbeast or the muskrat who seem to love the attention and in fact crave the constant validation of being recognized.
i for one welcome our grub bootlorders
i mean they're free to cry into their massive piles of money if they feel so offended by people demanding things from them