What's the conversion rate of one MeowMeowBeanz to one Schrute buck?
As a recovering karma whore, I can attest to this.
I kinda thought the same, but wasn't sure. The fingers are kinda weird looking imo.
This was and has been a song that takes my mind places, just like a great movie where you get so entranced in everything that's going on in it, that you forget about the world around you. This song does that for me.
'Should this be part of the 2025 theme playlist?'
Oh nice. What kind of 'indie stuff' are you making?
I did see that you're into writing. That's cool. I've been trying to stick with it. I have a decent amount of ideas for stories but not enough typed out. =/
You are trapped in a room of 5 old people who barely know how to use a computer. You must survive in there for 1 hours. The catch is, that they will look at you and ask you a lot of questions about computer related things. Often times they will repeat their question moments later.
Ooh my. That's a toss up. Go through this or cut off my lower leg. I think I'm gonna go with the latter.
I actually enjoyed Surf's Up and meant my recommendation.
That all sounds like some big brains kinda stuff. If I may ask, what does OpenPGP cryptography have to do with live music mixing/balancing?
I second this. But I'm asking for a future friend.
This is a great and also difficult question to answer.
Personally, I've been doing my best to adapt to what I'm calling 'selective ignorance.' It stems from the phrase, "Ignorance is bliss." Not knowing all of what's going on in the world/nation/providence/state can be very useful when talking about mental health. But of course, it can leave one not knowing of the things that could have a negative (or positive) effect on them. But on the other side of things, desiring to 'fix' all of the problems will have us feeling spread too thin. (What do you mean you can't 'fix' all of the major problems in the (insert here)?! /s) This actually reminds me of a gif I saw many years ago, showing how it feels to try to bug fix everything. You end up realizing that not every bug/problem needs to be fixed right away, and in some cases, it's not worth worrying about this week/month/quarter/year/etc. Now of course this is overly simplifying things, but it helps illustrate the situation.
I've also taken the time to block communities, ban a handful of users, and even unfriend a few people in my life. So I can better manage my mental health and well being. Some might call it selfish... and that's exactly what it is and should be. Taking care of oneself is the best way to help others (with limits of course.) I can't seem to find it but there is a quote that states that you would first help yourself up before turning around to help the next person. And this has been a strong reminder to me. You can't do as much good from the same pit the person you're trying to help get them out of.
Blocking the news related communities is helpful. I don't need to know about what is or is not going on in another part of the world if I myself, can't help them. I also don't need to hear more about how Elon Musk is a tool. I'm well aware of that. I don't need to hear about the horrific things happening in Palestine. I'm aware of the kinds of things going on there. And if I really felt like I could make a positive difference to how my country and others treated the situation, I would more likely take action. But as for where my life is with the problems and situations I face, I am not in the best place to make a continuous positive change in these matters.
I hope that helped.