In the beginning, I started like that. Discovering everything as I go, thinking that’s a good plan. But when the news broke, I checked my progress and I had like 17… out of 160 🤣 No way I would have managed to find all of them on time while free-roaming without the help of (where I could click and hide the „found” ones to uncluttter the map).
That only boosts its memorability 🙃
I've heard that Robert Zemeckis is interested in your story. He mentioned something about filming "Pooped Away"...
Actually you all may be wrongly assuming that they mean cologne… let that s(t)ink in
I know a person like that. When out of arguments, she always has „a friend whose friend’s sister’s daughter/son has a friend who knew someone who died because of enter_the_subject_of_conversation”
They forgot to charge the pad and didn’t bring the USB cable, so no. They’re doomed, unfortunately.
I think the question she should ask herself is what's the cost. What it will cost him, if she insists on pursuing. Apparently they somehow already discussed the topic (since he did ask her about the results), it's already "not even a possibility in his brain" that she's not his bio (or he's really pulling an IDGAF), so is it really worth digging further and forcing him to acknowledge that it's "not an error"?
You've got the brocoli??? You lucky bastard ;-)
I’m 2E! Do I really need to wait 2 years to use it?