But then everyone's pc was built somewhere by someone. Smartphones could use the same model. It would improve competition between specialised parts manufacture, premade units could be priced according to the sum and performance of their parts, ewaste reduction when people can upgrade only the part they want. There is a lot of consumer upside whether you build or buy premade.
Microwaves are fantastic cooking tools, and I'm pretty confident you're not using yours to its potential. Defrosting, reheating, steaming, boiling. Does it all in half the time with half the mess. All those settings on the keypad do something good. Most people just wack a few numbers in and let the microwave literally cremate the food on full power. Those reheat and defrost settings apply microwave then switch to low or no power, leaving the applied heat to radiate internally before repeating. Different densities and starting temperatures are accounted for.
Obviously you wouldn't cook a stir fry or a steak in a microwave. Potatoes before roasting though? Dumplings? Frozens? Yes please Mike.
That's a hard working if. A dollar per year from a majority of Twitter users is a few dollars. I think it's probably about the money.
I have the same setup with a rpi 4 and I've been impressed with it. Amazon may just feed the rpi shortage... Damn.
Malaria, measles, syphilis, gout and leprosy.
LineageOS auto selects any number groupings in a text and displays them on the notification for one click copy. Super handy, I remember the pain though.
Environmental damage from emissions doesn't care about relative efficiency, 15 free miles is objectively more than 5 free miles.
I'm so sorry but it's either/or & neither/nor. Gotta follow through with the negation.