I had no idea you could fold bullshit, much less "multifold."
Even with video/audio evidence of him pledging allegiance to the KGB/RU cause, maga-heads would still call it left wing falsehoods. Nothing is believed anymore... Just blind faith in their "leader."
Blasphemy. Lettuce is the bed to keep the bottom bun from getting soggy.
Thank you jacket bump for helping me hide the continuous uncontrollable boners I got in school. I could put my hands in my pockets and play pocket pinball all through class!
But...but... The lettuce is on top too.
Cheese then meat?
Oh, we can have batons too!?! Man, I've been doing it all wrong!
I had no idea a right cross was considered grappling. I'm going to teach those guys in my jiu jitsu class something next time!
Oh, I was plenty embarrassed the first run around. The fact that I have to do it again is just...yea.
Ford superdoody?