So does ice cars and i agree they log an insane amount of data
I dunno id preffer he lost the election then got convicted for treason i if they thing its a political ploy too get him out of the running i fear things could get way worse then jan 6
Maybe "buy weyland yutani stock" is timetraveler insider trading
I rub them with my teeshirt
Yes arabic for model line roman for generation of the model
Not just muzzleloaders shotguns are based on dividing a pound of lead
No too my knowledge the titwl was never localised in any way besides too accomadate other languages ways of writing fahrenheit
Could be argued 44 magnum and 45 acp are more iconic than 9mm luger but the americans also uses the mm for 5.56 and 7.62 wich are nato standards. Funnily enough they dont extend this too the 50 bmg wich is called 12.7 where im from.
You can also use a sacrificial gas that burns off before the filament. Saw it in a youtube video