
joined 2 years ago
[–] 0 points 3 months ago (2 children)

If you want I'll remove it.

[–] -5 points 3 months ago (3 children)

This is why I would disable them. Or call them dislikes and make them add to the score. as it's still an opinion.

[–] 6 points 3 months ago (2 children)

I never even said to not vote. They probably thought "fuck the state" means "don't vote". And they are connected but not the same.

[–] 7 points 3 months ago

The sidebar should cover that question. In case it doesn't here are some terms I think fall under that umbrella: socialist, anti-capitalist, anarchist.

[–] 0 points 3 months ago (9 children)

what did I do wrong?

[–] 4 points 3 months ago (2 children)

I think it's non-leftists. As that is the standard in this sub.

[–] 2 points 4 months ago

Most people do not distinguish words by capitalization. I agree with what you're saying but most people don't care about the difference and so I don't really either. The only word we(anarchists) should be fighting for is anarchy, and it's forms. We don't need any others. Democracy, socialism, communism, even if we manage to get people to understand our definitions, in an anarchic society they won't matter so we should let go of them. Anarchy encompasses communism, as class and wealth are both archic structures. There is no need for more terms, and the effort to clean them is too costly.

Also even though restructuring the text got rid of it at one point I had the word communism as the first word in a sentence leading me to capitalize it. Another reason why distinguishing between words by capitalization is a bad practice.

[–] 2 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Lets ditch base10 entirely and use 0(freezing)-216(boiling). that means 0-1000 in base6.

[–] 2 points 5 months ago

you control the lesser power (individual) with a bigger power (the "ourselves").

to quote:

anarchists recognise that individuals are the basic unit of society and that only individuals have interests and feelings. This means they oppose "collectivism" and the glorification of the group. In anarchist theory the group exists only to aid and develop the individuals involved in them.

While groups cannot think, individuals cannot live or discuss by themselves. Groups and associations are an essential aspect of individual life

Anarchism rejects the abstract individualism of capitalism, with its ideas of "absolute" freedom of the individual which is constrained by others. This theory ignores the social context in which freedom exists and grows.

In practice, both individualism and collectivism lead to a denial of both individual liberty and group autonomy and dynamics.

The link goes into more detail.

It's not like humans didn't arise from more anarchist structures.

A Definition for a term I'm about to use:
Archy - Hierarchy, Rule, structure of command and subordination, opposite of anarchy.

How did humans "rise" from anarchist structures? I wouldn't call whats going on right now any better than the pre-archic societies. Those societies were destroyed because they didn't have the structures to protect themselves against archy anarchy isn't just no archy, it's conscious opposition to archy. Now that we understand archic structures and their influence we can start opposing it. Pre-archic societies couldn't

having spontaneous mobs forming to upholds the customs

Why would you need mobs? often times a single other person would be enough to stop/deter anti-social behavior.

as long as they are kept in check by a bigger power

Who controls that bigger power and what's stopping them from becoming corrupt? There is no bigger power than the state and police is the state. You can't have anything bigger. As soon as you have representative democracy the people will go from humans to a resource. They will be grown and molded to not care about their society and just root for their team. Governance isn't something you can delegate to others. It makes you lazy and means you will stop thinking about the actual problems and start fighting with anyone who disagrees with you.

Representational democracy does not work. The state is a living system that has interests of it's own and those will always be prioritized over the citizens. Sooner or later every state devolves into authoritarianism. All the while screwing over anyone who wants to live without it.

[–] 3 points 5 months ago (1 children)

I will so thank you!

[–] 3 points 5 months ago

I'm surprised that an anarchist position is getting downvoted in this community. I guess the libs came to party.

[–] 1 points 5 months ago

Thank you for your insightful comment. :)



"Let's make America great again, by making racists ashamed again."


The political compass is an incredible simple tool and as such it's usage is limited, but I think this might be a useful/interesting way to visualize/relabel it.

TranscriptionA political compass with the Y axis labeled "State Authority" moving up and X axis labeled "Class Authority" moving right.


Transcription: White text on black background with the anarchist logo at the top reading "True freedom begins when everyone starts listening to everyone else". At the bottom left corner is a signature "ee/u/val".

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