
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 53 seconds ago

40 minutes from now

[–] 1 points 1 minute ago

That’s what alt accounts on other instances are for. Fediverse, baby!

[–] 1 points 4 minutes ago

none of his critics are stunned

[–] 1 points 47 minutes ago

significantly fewer critics than seems appropriate

[–] 5 points 1 hour ago

I recommend gloves.

[–] 10 points 2 hours ago (2 children)

No need: just look for their hats, shirts, truck nuts, etc.

[–] 1 points 2 hours ago

Whoa! Algebraic!

[–] 8 points 3 hours ago

To give some context, the special edition of that book has a different title that hints at how very challenging it is to get it right when you host your own server.

Typically, it’s much better to own a domain and pair it with FastMail or other reputable email provider.

[–] 15 points 5 hours ago (2 children)
[–] 4 points 5 hours ago (2 children)

broadcast is a popular form of communication


Under Filters and Blocks, I’d love to see an option to:

  • Hide posts from users less than X days old (and an option to choose how long with a default of 8 days)
  • Hide comments from users less than X days old (and an option to choose how long with a default of 2 days)

It’s the posts I want to hide more than the comments.



I'd appreciate any thoughts anyone has on MySecureShell.

I used it about eight years ago, and it was exactly what I wanted. I know I can create a sftp chroot jail using OpenSSH, but MySecureShell has additional features I really like.

I like that the config is all in one place. I like that the user can only use sftp and only sees a specified directory and it's contents. I like that I can limit simultaneous connections and rate limit the bandwidth over all and per user. It's compatible with fail2ban and ssh keys (instead of username-password login).

Unfortunately, it looks like the last update was five years ago. I guess this could mean it's mature and secure, but I'm not sure.

The last reply in mysecureshell/Issues was this year, but it was not by the maintainer. The maintainer, deimosfr, is still active on github, having contributed last in December, 2024. User Teka101 has contributed to the project at least once and last replied to an issue a year ago.

The documentation says it's for 1.33, but the version in the Ubuntu repo is 2.0

I'm on a much faster connection now, so I guess I could live without the limiting functionality.

I guess I'm looking for any reasons I should or should not consider using MySecureShell again. It'll just be for half a dozen friends for when I want to give them larger files, or if I want them to send me full-resolution photos.

I'm on Xubuntu 24.04 and would open a port on my router to allow connections (some high number mapped to 22 on this machine), or possibly give my friends access to my LAN via WireGuard but limit it to this machine.


I saw this sign near a church once. It seems to be them admitting prayer doesn’t do anything.


My ultimate goal is to install Xubuntu on this computer, but I am stuck.

I cannot find any way to get into the BIOS to change settings, including being able to boot to the USB installer drive.

I have tried F1 held, F1 repeated, Fn+F1 (held/repeated), same with F2, same with F12, same with Del.

I tried telling Windows to boot to UEFI settings, but it reboots directly to windows.

I ended pulling the drive and removing all the partitions, in hopes that then it wouldn't try to boot to Windows anymore. Now it just gives me this:

Using this menu, I can't boot to USB, nor can I boot to DVD.

I opened it and do not see any jumpers on the visibe side of the motherboard. I also did not see a CMOS battery. There are lots of tiny ribbon cables and the heat sink+fan that I'll have to remove if I need to look on the other side.

What I want most is access the the BIOS / UEFI settings.

If a workaround like installing an OS to the drive using another machine and then putting back in will probably work, then I'll try that, but that will be such a hassle.

my tortie (

This Kickstarter is for odd-numbered dice: D9. D11, D13, D15, D17 and D19. Available in Black, Red, Yellow, Green, Indigo and Purple. $12 plus shipping for the set of six.

I’ve backed Impact! Miniatures before and it’s always been great.

I really like that odd-numbered dice even exist. It sounds like a what-if that was taken too far. And it turned out great.

What about a unique way to show curses and disadvantages to your players. Impact!'s cursed dice allow you to give your players a unique die to use for the session to show the effect of their misguided actions. A D19 to show a curse that prevents criticals and natural 20s. Along with several other different dice to disadvantage rolls in many creative ways.

These dice were designed to be as fair as possible for an odd sided die. All the sides are equal sized and equal distant from the center mass. Each die was created by a specialist trained in working with geometeric design.

These odd dice are all new molds and modified designs by Impact! We've learned from our attempts to make odd sided dice in the past and these dice are brand new designs to make sure the dice stop faster by being larger and designed to have better defined stopping surfaces. The new designs are also easier to read with larger fonts and better extras to show you the top value being rolled.


I saw one show in the middle of the road, so I moved it to the curb. I walked a bit further and found the other shoe on the side of the road. When I came back through the second shoe was still there, so I carried it to back to be reunited with the first. No clue if their owner ever found them. They must have been on someone’s car and fell off at different times. Both were near curves in the road.

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