Except the arrested the poor bastard. That make us newsworthy, but probably doesn’t inspire similar actions.
I’m glad he did it though, but worried he was arrested for speech.
Except the arrested the poor bastard. That make us newsworthy, but probably doesn’t inspire similar actions.
I’m glad he did it though, but worried he was arrested for speech.
“The dreams, I’m unaliving” works ok too.
Yup, it’s when patriots and flags on cars took a nasty turn. Let’s not forget about Dock Cheney either. O matter what his daughter has tried to do to change that name, Bush and Dick belong in the Hauge.
Trump belongs in an orange jumpsuit and Musk belongs in South Africa, locked in a compound hiding from the world.
Most on them don’t ever need to earn another cent, and will still die with massive wealth.
Taking away their food, water and electricity is about the only thing that would help, but it would kill millions first.
You mean the one where they refused to allow paper receipts for the votes, and where voting stations were changed at the last minute, and where:
In the early morning about 15 men in unmarked black jackets temporarily blocked access to one voting center in the capital, Caracas, a Times journalist observed. One volunteer vote monitor was punched.
the government did not release a full vote count, and its figures did not appear to match statistical estimates based on partial counts gathered by opposition poll watchers and other data that showed the president losing by a wide margin. As of Wednesday, the government had still not provided a full vote count.
That election?
Unless you blow up on the launch pad… But what a cool looking rocket, way to go dude!
Hammacher Schlemmer for sure! So much ridiculous shit for insane prices back in the day.
Virtue signaling is getting out of hand. (Along with the fascism).
I’ve never had proper borscht, but cabbage can be pretty stinky when boiled, and beets taste like dirt to me.
That’s actually a lot more trolling than I would have expected from time magazine lately.
So is person of the year going to be Musk this year? Or are they going to go with some pandering and give it to “all former federal workers”?
My money is on some form of the latter.
Did that kid really say that? If there’s video of that I need to see it.