Heat to my meat
It is about the wikimedia content creators not getting a proper share while the wikimedia foundation acts basicly like Peta, Green Peace and other "Charity"-Buisnesses by using drastic and guildinducing ads even in third world countries. The server activty is funded for aprox the next 100 years and the content is created for free. Most of the money is therefore actually going to around 700 employees in the adminstration, that work on new projects, lobbying or ideas like wikimedia enterprise. But this in turn is not what the ads imply.
Whats your standpoint on a vegetarian diet?
sudo dd if=. /rpi3-aarch64-archlinux.img status=progress of=/dev/sd[tab] [tab] [enter]
TLDR deiner Meinung
Geh heulen im Freiwild Forum!
Liebe Grüße nach Sinzig ^^
Ich küss dein Auge
+dovecoat & postfix? :p
-Spinning Tinfoil Heads