I gotta say the goldfish crackers, pomegranate seeds, and peas look pretty baller displayed in those butt plugs
joined 3 years ago
Honestly just boycott eating out. Pay your employees fair wages and get rid of tipping or let the industry die
I thought propaganda was when a British person takes a real good look at something
While I agree I prefer the Ving Rhames version
New Mexico outside of Las Cruces
Give techno some pets and tell her internet strangers love her. Mines rocky he's 3
Our dogs would definitely get along. He loves nothing more than a multi hour wrastlin match
George Soros' United Commune of Mexifornia
ICE is the reason the 2nd ammendment exists. The only good cop is a dead cop
Thanks, I enjoyed seeing boomer. Next time you see him tell him I said hello
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Yea he knows he can get away with murder