I just have a stock of frozen, and then buy fresh when I plan to make a specific dish that's worth the effort.
Why not just ask?
Just to be clear, this is just a moving of images, and it will be back correct? Just a temporary measure?
I see your point. Yes, I can see banning that once they've established a pattern.
In that case, why is it not enough to just ignore and avoid them?
When I start to feel paralyzed, I just do something, any of the things.
Ideally it would be the most pressing thing, but as long as it's something, I can get in a groove.
Salamanders don't have wings...
I strongly agree.
There is now though. So why not federate again?
I'd say it's missing all the things that made mass effect great. But its still a fine game.
Exactly how I'd put it. The story is meh at best -i barely remember it honestly - but the rest of the gameplay is great.
The worst of the series as a whole, but still a good game.
Xubuntu, Kubuntu, and Open Media Vault (based on Debian)
I'm thinking of just using Debian on most of my machines in the future, just have to go through the effort to switch.