Try Ubuntu first, then go to more advanced distros if needed
joined 2 years ago
You can consider me conspiracy theorist, but for me the whole story about WP/Nokia was to destroy the biggest non US tech giant, so the remaining are all US based. No one are now even close.
And also if you stop paying for 3 months, they completely delete your library. I switched to try Spotify, and when I returned, all my collections from iTunes of 10 years ago are gone forever.
I can name one - The Last Express. Still absolute quest masterpiece. Real time, a lot of different endings, pre-wwi setting where every person speaks their own language. Graphics also keeps up.
I wish they release a tool for their system to work properly. Like connecting to Bluetooth headphones or no full cpu load out of nowhere.
After Debian removed wifi, bluetooth, mouse and added lags after simple “sudo apt upgrade”, it became not for me