
joined 2 years ago
[–] 14 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Block the flow of traffic. Vehicle traffic has predefined rules to deal with this and it happens all the time. Now you're forcing pedestrians to go onto the road creating a safety hazard. Strollers, like with OP, or disabled people or really you name it are severely disadvantaged by this, just because this person needed a gigantic car thought vehicle traffic was more important than pedestrians.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago

Dissociating, executive dysfunction and general existential dispair is a bitch. So yes, to answer your question, staring at a wall indeed. It's really hard to get in the shower and when I'm there it's hard to leave. But reading all of this has given me some encouragement. I'm gonna take a shower. :)

[–] 3 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I mean... Breathing doesn't increase your chance of dying, but not doing it will guarantee it. If you smoke, there is a good chance you will die from a horrible disease. That's the reality of it. With one cigarettes a day, smoking more will increase that chance.

[–] 4 points 2 years ago

Honestly, whenever something breaks in Windows and there isn't a quick fix I know or can find easily, I just reinstall. Ultimately you can probably find a fix. But the install process of Windows is pretty painless and fast nowadays. It's not that hard to get all the programs and settings back, with some exceptions of course. And you know, it'll probably, keep working.

[–] 10 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I mean, but they being used a singular has been a thing outside of people using different pronouns and this issue being pronounced (lol). You can also refer to multiple people and so can the Dutch formal equivalent of "u".

There's lots of instances of things in language cussing slight confused, but they're usually not hard to overcome.

Maybe say "they went with that group". Or just the person's name. If I don't know the person, I might make a little description of them, like "oh yeah, the cool person we just met with blue hair".

Pronouns and generally gendered or gender neutral language like that is a little bit confusing in Dutch (outside the 'traditional' binary genders). It all works a lot nicer in English, but maybe that's because I'm more familiar with everything in English and I speak it more. But in Dutch I'll generally rephrase altogether and avoid it.

I'm sometimes confused how to fit neopronouns into my grammer. But honestly just doing it and fixing it when messing up seems to work okay. I do like neopronouns. All words are made up, why not make your own?

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