Not only did I miss this message, but by the time you posted I had already paid the ~$30 for the year. DANG. Thank you so much for the heads up though, even though I couldn't take advantage of it I really appreciate you taking the time to relay the info here. Maybe someone else was able to do it.
That's really tough. I'm sorry you feel like you have no one to talk to, especially when you're considering such tough decisions. If it's worth anything: it is my opinion that at some point it's ok to be "selfish" and consider the things that will make you a happier, healthier person in the long run so that you can then share this "better person" with someone who deserves it. Take a break, assess, regroup and start over. You got this!!
Man Bob sounds like a real piece of work. Good for you, I hope you find a place that can utilize and appreciate (in the form of payment) your talents and commitment to quality of work. Best of luck internet stranger!!
Same! Although probably not as long. But Sync was consistently my go to even after trying other android apps.
Found u/Spez
I mean that's cool and all but fuck Netflix though right?
Awesome indeed!
Thank you for all the hard work!!!
Sync for Lemmy lessgooooo
So much detail. How long does something like this take ND does your neck hurt afterwards?