The colours really do justice to the mini. Do you have otter classical minis?
Is that a tactical shouldersurfing squig?
Another classical retro model. Wait, this is the current one, right? Excelent paintjob!
Ghost nids !😉 Also fuck mouldlines.
I think these are my favorite models from the starter set. The paintjob looks like they are ready to go screaming on a lightless world some deep caves. You should have them fight GSC or necrons. Any plans in that direction?
A real 80's vibe and with a beautiful modern paintjob. Played any games with them yet?
Computers had problems with installing. Best explanation was 'its Thursday'... After a lot of troubleshooting it became evident that some people installed laptops withouth the powersupply plugged in, causing bitlockerissues.
Nevertheless, a great banner for a fantastically painted figure!
Is that banner freehand??😯
Nice colourfull contrasts against the dull grey, gives it a fresh look.
Those darn furry BioTitans!
Those cacti are great, just like th rest! Is that a GW base?