Costco is next, which is even funnier because Costco stock is on a roll.
By the way, if you get XVfb running for puppeteer (a little further down in the readme), let me know.
Try using this following project as your base image before throwing puppeteer on it (or use the inbuilt functionality to take screenshots). It includes Jessie Frazelle’s seccomp profile. If you want nightmares, go read her blogpost about it. Otherwise just let it be and follow the setup guide in the readme of this project -
NFS is amazing! That reminds me, I don’t think I’ve logged into the web UI in maybe 5 years and things have just been running smoothly regardless. I should check out what they’ve been up to.
First rule of the Fight Club app, dude.
But how will he carry his briefcase and lunch?
Oddly specific.
I dunno. Most sci-fi I read from western authors is horrible with their characters. Maybe because I’m mostly reading older sci-fi? Either ways, I didn’t hold that against him or the story.
Most western sci-fi authors are shit at writing women. So I didn’t hold it against him. But sure, I can see how some people didn’t take to it.
To me, it was a beautiful series with loads of interesting and horrible twists and turns. The ending is sublime, to me.
Seems like a sure fire way to get bad Linux 😆
Thanks! Your stock is surprisingly cheap and seems to have cratered since its hay days in 2021. Oh well, good for me.
This was a really, really fun movie to watch