
joined 2 years ago
[–] 5 points 1 week ago (2 children)

We use OG version at our school but will introduce this instead. I try to implement use of foss where possible in my teaching. S little unrelated but very good CAD alternatives to fusion 360 that has a similar "easy" GUI? Blender is ok but not really a CAD tool.

[–] 46 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Not the first nor the last time Burr has made similar comments on the billionaires place in American politics. He is right though.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Decentralized FOSS socials are great technical achievements but I feel like the actual product that users will interact with are worse copy cats of already established social platforms. Mastodon is a Twitter clone, Lemmy is a reddit clone, peertube is a youtube clone. I love these FOSS/decen. platforms but the frontend that users actually interact with are just copies of already popular platforms, just with another backend. What innovative FOSS/decen. social platforms exist? Not talking about the backend but the user experience.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Yes it does but it's a chance that I'm willing to take as I find it extremely u likely to happen. And if it happens all my important logins requires 2FA/TOTP anyway. I put my trust in encryption. You can use syncting to keep it all local if you want to avoid transmission over the web.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago

This and also why these oil countries are trying to sport wash their way to future profitable endeavors. Football, Olympics, eSports etc. As per usual the sports organizations and actors in the field doesn't give a shit. "We have to go to football world championship because then we can tell them to do better on human rights!". Nothing has happened. Your participation helped to sustain their sport washing and it's going great.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

What website are you using to do these scans?

[–] 4 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Have used LastPass before it was shit, self hosted bitwarden and KeePass synced with nextcloud (whatever cloud service works). I ended up using KeePass with nextcloud and set KeePass to automatically save changes. Use it on Android with KeePassDX that also includes auto fill across apps. KeePass doesn't require much setup whereas you need to setup server with bitwarden. Also had some weird sync errors with bitwarden. Having said that, bitwarden is a great piece of software.

[–] 16 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Please be more concrete. Who is the west? Because in Denmark we throw resources at Ukraine to support their efforts.

[–] 24 points 2 months ago

Syria and Iraq didn't ask for our help, Ukraine does. I think that's also one of the reasons.

[–] 2 points 3 months ago

To add some context to the numbers. Coming from Denmark which tops the chart, I can tell you that the top donors are getting sick and tired of big countries e.g. Germany and French providing way less resources. Bigger economies and military industries, yet the small countries of Europe donate the most. Different political situations of course. Still crazy that Germany are sort of "meh" considering their history with Russia.

[–] 5 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Sorry for the confusion regarding socialist and social democracies. Will have to look more into the difference between the two. Thanks for clearing that up.

[–] 1 points 4 months ago

That it isn't called Twitter ;)


This should be redesigned. The dot-menu has close and bookmark options. There is more than enough to move these to the front. Dot-menu just adds more touch.


Hi all,

My friend and I are currently experiencing problems with the torrentio lite addon for stremio. When selecting an episode the addon stalls, showing the message "torrentio lite addon is still loading".

Anyone else experience this?


Som nogen måske har bemærket, så er DR startet på at forsinke (Genstart) eller slet og ret fjerne podcasts (Djævelen i Detaljen) fra deres RSS feeds og dermed lukker muligheden for at benytte tredjeparts apps.

Jeg blev meget sur og skrev til DR. Her er deres, efter min mening, ulogiske svar.

22 . Nov 2023 13:21 Hej xx Det gør vi, fordi det er de store formater, der virkelig gør en forskel, når det handler om at booste lytningen til alt det andet public service-indhold, der ligger i DR LYD. Vi er helt klar over, at ’Genstart’ har en særlig status blandt mange lyttere. Men vi gør det, fordi det er nødvendigt, for at vi også på længere sigt fortsat kan tilbyde et samlet, frit og tilgængeligt lydtilbud til alle danskere, som er uafhængigt af techgiganterne. Vi mener, at det vi gør nu er rettidig omhu, fordi vi ikke ved, hvordan techgiganterne vil udvikle sig. Se bare på X. Derfor duer det ikke, at vi som i dag er afhængig af at udkomme på de kommercielle podcastplatforme.

Hvad tænker I andre om denne beslutning? Jeg mener at det er helt hul i hovedet. Det har indtil videre ikke været et problem og som betaler af licens føler jeg mig pisset på. Jeg gider ikke til at benytte flere apps for at få mine podcasts, som reelt er betalt af os "danskere". Argumentationen i DRs svar hænger slet ikke sammen. Hvad i alverden har techgiganterne at gøre med at jeg kan bruge lige præcis den podcast app jeg lyster? De kan da sagtens tilbyde indhold gennem RSS uden at techgiganterne er involveret? Og at jeg igennem DR lyd skal introduceres til flere podcasts bare fordi... Hvad? Har de ikke allerede en radio til det? Jeg har aldrig brugt deres skod app og stadigvæk lytter jeg til seks forskellige podcasts fra DR.

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