Brilliant. Do you call this quantum consciousness, quantum mind or something? At least in German its Quantenbewusstsein. After all these years i remember that photons notice you observe them and behave differently, because it's ducking interesting.
Fritz schmeckt super nur leider ist es etwas teuer und so gut wie nie im Angebot.
Ich versorge meine Zuhausis mit Sodastream cola, ggf. wird mit Kirsche, Himbeer oder Vanille gemixt. :)
Deep Rock Galactic
Shudders o.o. I got royally tired of PvP shooters and I guess there's even less incentive to hop back, thanks.
It's them free to play games, yeah? Free, because You are the product. That is my honest deduction.
Pihole, if i understand correctly, works by blocking DNS requests and YouTube ads are not DNS based the way ads usually are. You're stuck blocking them by uBO on each device or use Invidious.
As long as it applies to the normalplebian things like WhatsApp, I'm not really concerned nor surprised.
It is up to us to protect themselves and it has been since the wake of malicious ads that track your every click. It's gotten so bad that you'd have to be insane to not use uBlock Origin.
Now it's time to find another means of communication. So many privacy oriented open source apps have come out and all that you need to do is install one and tell your friends.. such as SimpleX Chat and Session Messenger.
Don't sleep on your OPSEC, unless you have a reason to. :)
Working minimum wage or struggling with money for any reason shall not mean you cannot have nice things in life, never. So I do the thing. Sometimes. Normalizing spending money into things you physically cannot touch is one thing i could get over with, like buying GOG (DRM free) games i'll actually end up playing, but licenses to play a dang video game that is valid for god knows how long? This is where I draw the line.
Your friend is right: when them corpos suck us dry, we gotta suck em back. It is easy as that.
Furthermore: It's not piracy when paying for it is not owning it.
I fail to see why not. It's just a dress. You shall wear whatever resonates with you.
"When you walk into a classroom, you shouldn't be able to identify the pupils' religion just by looking at them,"
Sir I'm sorry but a abaya doesn't prove someone is religious. You can wear one if you so please even if you're not Islam. It's just a dress.
I don't have the disposable income for ordering or even takeaway anymore and the fees only get worse from here. Learn how to cook. Impress your visitors. Get nice things in life with the savings.
Ich kriege das Gefühl, man vergisst dass ein Chatbox nicht gleich reden unter >=4 Augen ist. Wenn mir jmd ein Grußbild oder irgendein Link schickt, und nicht reagiere, juckt mich das nicht: Das tut meine Gegenseite auch nicht wenn ich was dergleichen schicke.
Wenn jmd von mir auf der Stelle eine Antwort möchte, soll mich besser anrufen und gut ist. Zumindest für Discord sollte man den Ton für Nachrichten abstellen, und generell für Gruppen. Das ist gut für die Seele. Wenn einer nicht einsieht, dass du deine eigenen Probleme hast und einfach nur Kopffreiheit brauchst, ist das nicht dein Problem.
me but opus instead of mp3 and ViMusic instead of Spotify