
joined 2 years ago
[–] 14 points 2 days ago (2 children)

I believe it’s the other way around: laws against the discrimination of people who do not have an address.

[–] 4 points 3 days ago

Like when a girl squirts, it was urine.

[–] 9 points 3 days ago

no homo

👆The magical incantation of the ancients.

[–] 7 points 3 days ago

If ever there was a reason for AI images, the above is one of them.

[–] 5 points 3 days ago

It was some white dude (or aliens). Duh. Everyone knows those brown people could not be capable of such engineering feats.

PS. /s because some people out there need it.

[–] 8 points 4 days ago (1 children)

I’m at the point in my life, and understanding, that there is no right candidate. I don’t want the ACA at all. It’s been mutilated and mutated by the republicans (and indirectly by the democrats who rolled over and let it happen) so badly it’s not really that good. Sure, it’s probably better than nothing, or maybe it’s not. I don’t have that knowledge or experience to say.

What I do want is universal healthcare (done right) and universal basic income (done right). I am sick and goddamn tired of the elites shitting on everyone below their economic status. No one — absolutely no one — needs to have that much money, power, or influence on everyone else’s lives.

And at this point, there is absolutely no reason anybody shouldn’t be able to figure out truth versus bullshit. Anybody who believes vaccines cause harm, or trans anybody is out to rape the kids, or even as stupid as saying the earth is flat, needs to be rounded up and have something done with them; what, I don’t know. I’ll leave that to smarter people than me to figure out.

And one more thing — let’s get this straight: free speech for the sake of being able to “express yourself” any which way you see fit is bullshit. It’s that mentality that got us here in the first place. No. If you say something - either with malice or ignorance - you need to be held responsible for any and all consequences (I’m looking at you Jenny McCarthy, Jim Carey, Rush Limbaugh (rot in hell), goddamn Republican/MAGA/Traitors). If I yell fire in a crowded theater, you’re damn right I should be punished for all damage and harm that comes from that.

[–] 8 points 4 days ago (1 children)

I appreciate your response.

FWIW, I know that anyone in the US, regardless of citizenship status, has legal rights under the constitution. This is why the constitution uses the language of “people” and “person” and not “citizen”. It’s the use of the word constituent that I was lacking legal/political clarity on.

[–] 2 points 4 days ago (7 children)

I’m not a righty. I’m legit trying to find more info and my Google fu sucks. WTH people?

[–] 2 points 4 days ago

I tried looking it up, and I remembered I’m not smart enough to understand all of the techno-jargon. But what I did understand is that it would take a large rocket with a butt-tonne of fuel, and that right there makes me think it wouldn’t be worth it due to cost and environmental factors of burning so much fuel. And, there is a monumental amount of garbage.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

The song is written as if it’s told by an onlooker. To suggest that the devil lost is an assumption that the devil is honest and plays by the rules.

[–] 8 points 4 days ago (4 children)

👆 This right here. It may be oversimplified or “naive”, but I liken the Democrats as shills for the audiences of snake oil salesmen; they push back just enough to seem genuine, but they’re all in cahoots.


PMI stands for Private Mortgage Insurance, and it is required on mortgages with a loan-to-value ratio greater than 80%. For example, if your home was worth $100k at the time of closing, and you owe more than $80k on the loan, you are required to have PMI.

I got my annual PMI disclosure tonight, and it says that if I’ve had my loan for at least two years, and have a good payment history for at least two years, I am eligible to cancel my PMI.

It’s not a lot, mind you. But I’d love to save the ~$70/mo it costs. That’s a fifth of vodka and a bag of CBD gummies, every month.


My oldest (M11) loves it, while my youngest (M9) couldn’t be more grossed out by it.



I am watching the series, and i can’t help but feel like both actors for Superman and Lois are CGI created. Maybe it’s me, or the lighting of the scenes, but I’m really feeling the uncanny valley with this show. Anybody else?


Last year I moved into a townhome after my wife and I separated. Her and my kids went to Ohio to spend Thanksgiving with her side of the family (it’s something we’d always done even as a family). I was supposed to go to Puerto Rico last Thanksgiving, but that didn’t work out. So I ended up at a friend’s house with their family.

Fast forward to this year, and I now have my own home. My youngest decided that he didn’t want me to be alone for the holiday, so he opted to stay with me instead of going up to Ohio with his mom and brother. He also asked me to cook ham, sweet corn, and mashed potatoes for Thanksgiving dinner. I got the smallest spiral-cut glazed ham I could find, and cooked up a can of sweet corn, and made mashed potatoes from a box. I had never done this before because in Ohio there was always the in-group of family that took care of cooking, and I wasn’t part of that group.

My youngest said it was the best meal he had in a long time. He kept going back for more and more ham. As I was cleaning up, he commented how sad he’s going to be when we run out of the ham. His only criticisms were that the potatoes were a little plain in comparison to everything else, and that there needed to be a bitter side to offset the sweetness of everything else. Very high praise coming from him, as he’s still in the picky phase with his eating.

Now I sit waiting for the dishes to finish the wash cycle, while my kid is playing some Roblox game and my dog is laying beside him drifting off to sleep (she got her share of ham too).

Today was a really good day, and it would have been a shame not to share it with somebody.

Happy Thanksgiving, y’all.


The lights are off, folded laundry at my feet, dog in my lap, my youngest at the end of the couch asleep, and my oldest tucked in under his blanket watching his first boxing matches, as we wait for the next fight on Netflix.


I always hit snooze on my alarm clock, but I jump right out of bed if I hear someone puking or gagging (e.g., kids or my dog).


Do the devs get the crash logs from beta Mlem?


Alright, so my son is friends with a kid at his school, and through this I met his mother. She is a nice woman, who is attractive and friendly. What I do know about her is that she and her husband are separated and/or divorced. I do not know if she is seeing anybody.

I have an unsuccessful history of assuming things with women who are nice to me; i.e., I often confuse being nice with them showing a romantic interest, and that not being the case. Given that my son and her son are best friends, I do not want to make this mistake and make things awkward for anybody. Given my unsuccessful history of reading social cues, I want to be careful in how I interact with her.

I feel like I have three choices right now: I could continue my current course of action, and interact with her when my son and her son get together; I could text her and try to strike up a conversation out of the blue; or I could add her as a Facebook friend and from that angle try to strike up conversation.

I don’t necessarily want to go the “do nothing and hope it works out” approach, but I am not sure if I would make her uncomfortable by being too direct. I’m kind of leaning toward the Facebook option, but I am curious if I should ask her if she’s ok with me requesting to be her friend (and possibly sparking a conversation that way, but letting her know it’s okay to say no if she’s not comfortable with it).

And before anybody says it, yes I’m aware I’m probably overthinking it. 😊


Also, I hope this doesn’t break the grotesque rule. 😏


As of 10:15am EST, I am no longer married. From what I’ve heard from other divorcees, my ex wife and I have had a unicorn of a separation; in that we still get along and work together for our kids. Regardless of how frictionless the process has gone, it’s still a relief to put that chapter to rest.

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