The twist is this happened in your 20s when you visited for a holiday, and met some old high school buddies at the local dive and you were just going to have two beers
This is like some inspirational Facebook mom shit
You always get ketchup water when applying ketchup, regardless if someone used it before you or if you've shaken the bottle.
I just want you to know I really appreciate these posts! It's so much fun to see how beautiful things one can create in this game. Really inspirational!
A tobacco pipe. Thing with lid on goes in one end of the y-shaped bit, the long bit in the other. The lid opens, and the lid's there so you can smoke when it's raining.
Edit: For anyone interested in how I got this so quickly; my dad has an old similar one from his grandmother, she was a switch board operator at the start of the last century, and he got to keep it's when she passed since he's also a pipe smoker. I don't think he's ever smoked it though, so I've had one in my home for my entire childhood :)
Rolig grej, att jag som talar svenska som modersmål och kan lite tyska kan tyyyp läsa nederländska 😃
Funny hing, for me that speaks swedish natively and know some german, I can sort of read Netherlandic😃
Depends on what you're making. I can make a nice Ham and mushroom pasta in like 20 minutes, cleanup included
Maybe don't work 10.5 hour days? And don't take a bath for an hour every night. Also, no way you've got chores for AN HOUR every night
The weird thing is that the SAAB version, that's supposed to share a lot of parts, had a different wheel base even, because they changed so many things. SAAB being SAAB, they lost money on most 9-3x and 9-5x redirects to a Facebook page, so unfortunately it's like you say
I had one in my first apartment, in Sweden, but I had one of those really high beds you can keep a desk under, so I had to watch my head when climbing down.
And also watch my head when standing up from the desk. But hey, I had both a desk, an armchair and a bed!
Zwillings Four star is great!