I'v seen him DJ
You would crossbreed a perfect killing machine with a xenomorph ? Madness
The only thing that matters in government politics is public opinion.
Yea, no such thing in my country. Practically everyone returns the cart.
Cart retriever ? Why is that even a job.
We still have people atacking people with axes and knives. Thing is you can at least try to run away from an idiot with an axe, unlike an idiot with a gun.
It's genetics. We produce some oil or something that mosquitos smell. And some people produce more then others.
Basically bad luck.
"Open"ai is definitely sharing everything you tipe with your government. Only difference is that chinese care less about your illusions. That said we are not even a blip in the sea of data so it doesn't matter anyway.
Bdw your patriot act says that any data that goes over your border can be stored and used indefinitely. So me seing your comment means your nsa will store it and can use it, even though spying on your own people is against your constitution or something.
The programs usually mmap the file into memory. That means that parts of it are loaded as used and unloaded if there is no memory left. That's why it does not say it is using memory. Check disc i/o as it is generating the message. For linux that can be seen in htop or iotop, for win idk.
Note that I use lmstudio, that uses llama.cpp to run models. Gpt4all, I think, uses a modified version of same. Doesn't matter they should all be using mmap to load the file.
PS Depending on the model I also get a couple tokens per sec on the cpu.
Edit: Didn't see someone already said the same, I'l leave this here anyway.