
joined 2 years ago
[–] gloriousspearfish 4 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Verden har ændret sig, der er kun os gamle hoveder der kan huske BOFH.

[–] gloriousspearfish 7 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Det hedder altså migmiger.

[–] gloriousspearfish 1 points 6 days ago

Also handling 2 hour meltdown because you put the wrong thing in their lunchbox.

[–] gloriousspearfish 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

This is just block device over network, it will not allow the use cases OP is asking for. You will still need a filesystem and a file-serving service on top of that.

[–] gloriousspearfish 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I am not saying you should just ignore it, or making it taboo. But Americans have gone to the very extreme version where skin-tone apparently has to determine who you are. It seems you have made it taboo not to define yourself by your skin-tone.

I truly do not understand how you cannot see the problems with that.

[–] gloriousspearfish 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

What makes me really curious is, is it really the skin-tone that is the significant variable, or is it a very closely related confounding variable?

It seems so very weird to me that the tone of your skin can have such a significant impact.

[–] gloriousspearfish 6 points 1 month ago

His name was Robert Paulson.

[–] gloriousspearfish -4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

"Det var en gang" is better translated as "Once upon a time".

[–] gloriousspearfish 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

They don't need a sim and days plan, if they only call 112.

[–] gloriousspearfish 6 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Foreigners here often say that they face a hard time learning Danish, because as soon as the Danes pick up that they are not fluent, they switch to speaking English.


Hejsa. Hver gang jeg prøver at uploade et billede til et opslag i min Connect for Lemmy klient får jeg følgende fejl:

FormatException: Unexpected character (at character 1)


Jeg tænke det er fordi min connect klient får en html respons på upload requesten, hvor den forventede noget andet.

Er der andre der oplever det samme? Virker det i andre lemmy klienter?


I had written a rather lengthy response to a post, and put quite a bit of effort in my argument. When I submitted the reply I got a "language not allowed" error, and everything I wrote was lost.

I think an error when posting something should not result in the screen changing back and losing everything written. The error should be displayed and the user allowed to fix the problem or somehow allowed to save the post locally, e.g. by copying and pasting it somewhere else.


"Tonen i de lukkede internetfora er både hård og hadefuld, siger ekspert. I de lukkede internetfora hersker der en fælles forståelse af, at kvinderne selv er udenom, at der bliver byttet og delt falske nøgenbilleder af dem på nettet, siger ekspert."


In factorio, how do I make a safe railway crossing? Such that the trains will stop if a player is crossing the tracks.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by gloriousspearfish to c/selvgjortvelgjort

I anledning af at vi nok skal forvente somre med mere og mere tørke har jeg indkøbt en palletank som regnvandsopsamler.

Så smider jeg sådan en pumpe her i tønden:

Den skulle gerne kunne starte automatisk når jeg begynder at bruge haveslangen.

På sigt planlægger jeg 4x palletanke forbundet så jeg kan opsamle vand gennem foråret og forhåbentlig vande have gennem en hel måneds tørke, uden at forbrug en dråbe af vores gode drikkevand.

Og på endnu længere sigt spinklersystem og regnsensor, så alt bliver vandet automatisk når det ikke har regnet. Med opsamlet regnvand naturligvis. ☺️


I have been playing Factorio for some time now. I really want to get started playing one of the overhauls. But which one? I find it hard to get a good overview of the different options.

Which overhaul mods do you all play?


Hi. I am trying to figure out how to get high-speed storage in my R640 server. I just want to use consumer-grade NVME disks, so I can write data at ≥ 1GByte/sec per disk. Do you have any suggestions on what hardware to choose?

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