The fact that SSN aren't singular identifiers has been public knowledge for quite a while. ID analytics has shown in over a decade of studies that some people have multiple SSN attached to their name, while some (over five million) SSN are used by three or more living individuals. If you search "ID analytics SSN" you'll find loads of articles reporting on this dating back to 2010 and a bit before.
Densely packed open world without much empty space, dialogue trees that will frustrate people with ADHD (seriously, random non-quest npcs have 10 minutes of voiced lines sometimes), fluid mix and match skill trees with easy access respec in the menu, no micromanagement mechanics like ammunition or town NPC line of sight causing every guard in a town to turn hostile, better optimization to run on less powerful machines than recent comparable titles, ability to upgrade gear you like throughout the entire game, magic system held on to some of the CRPG elements (you need to find grimoires with a spell to learn it, but putting points into a spell lets you cast them without the grimoire and upgrades them an extra rank if you still use the book anyway). Does an excellent job of bringing new players into the setting if they didn't play Pillars or Pillars 2.
My current complaints are that the melee combat tree is a bit less exciting than the others, and a few visual issues have presented themselves like enemies with multiple elemental effects applied to them having some visual flickering and distant shallow water looks wrong. There's some player character options that are missing from Pillars of Eternity, but if you haven't played them you'd never know.
I think it's a pretty strong GotY contender to kick off the year, personally. I made this post because people are mentioning user reviews, but steam user reviews have been pretty worthless lately. Way too many people expecting games to behave like another game or genre entirely and basing their entire review on that, or complaining about things that have no relation to gameplay (on that note, the game has XBL login but it is not required).
It's just as likely as any other meat. If it was frozen and shipped beforehand, less likely, so with fast food beef you're probably right; but the reduced chance of infection comes from actually killing bacteria present in the meat, meaning you need to hit the elimination heat threshold for e. coli and the other usual suspects throughout the cut.
I thought it was pay and loot for them.
Did you even read my comment? It's a 5 digit figure because they translated lazily and that's how it was written in Chinese.
Because the way they write numbers is generally misunderstood in the west. Wan, the ten thousand character, and Yi, the hundred million character, are typically the crux of translating big numbers like this.
万 (wàn) comes up the most often and is the largest stumbling block for most people learning Mandarin numbers. In English, numbers are usually broken up into chunks of three digits. Because of 万 (wàn), it's easier to break numbers up into groups of four in Mandarin. In English, we split "twelve thousand" numerically into "12,000" (chunks of three digits). Split it the Chinese way, "1,2000," and the Chinese reading "一万两千" (one wan and two "thousand" = yīwàn liǎngqiān) makes more sense.
Not saying the figure isn't exaggerated, but holy shit it's obvious why it's translated this way in articles if you look even slightly beyond the surface.
You're outing yourself as not proficient enough to remove guardrails on your own install.
"Legitimately high ranked" in this context means "claimed he was top 50 by registering for an opt in leaderboard site with under 5,000 users". He wasn't good at diablo 4 either. Personally, I'm in the camp that believes he is buying accounts or paying individuals to play accounts for him 90% of the time. Dude even had trash stat distribution in elden ring, his build was both not meta and hardly workable, no stats at a breakpoint, set up to fat roll. No MLGS, just wearing extremely heavy armor and weapons with C int scaling that you get off the ground that way. Plus, tech genius that he is, took a phone picture instead of a screenshot. It would not surprise me to learn he save edited a bad character because the total level was quite high but the hovered weapon was unupgraded.
Where a period or a comma followed by "And" would go. Semicolon is a full break, distinctly more than a comma
This guy didn't even consider the other dude's post and jumped to made up pseudo-logic. This particular type of idiot is one of the worst on the internet. Their whole account is political concern trolling from a fencepost. You're literally constantly trashing people in your comments too - usually without any examples or explanations. Truly the mark of someone who has no idea what they're talking about, you have been attacking people for political takes across the spectrum without actually representing any ideas yourself.
If the word syllogism is too scary for you, just say so. It's not a tough concept, you could self-educate in a week or two, but you've gone to being flippant about it with no substance. It's clear you don't have a real opinion you've thought through on the topic, so I have no idea what the point of this comment was.
Renaming it excludes it from existing legal language, like the Gulf of Mexico protection and restoration act. It SHOULD be controversial, but everywhere I look I see people joking about it as if there's no real-world repercussions.