While not open source, OldUnreal has taken over Unreal and Unreal Tournament with access to the source code and they release patches. The OldUnreal team has an agreement with Epic to do this.
I think one can easily argue capitalism is unethical, as it is based on extraction and exploitation, and has a non-democratic power structure. So that eliminates most jobs in the West as being ethical.
I was actually trying to do some research on this as well to verify my claim, but couldn’t find a definitive answer. I’m not for sure whether uBlock blocks complete JavaScript libraries from loading by default or if it is only blocks the HTTP request like PiHole.
I did find this interesting project by DuckDuckGo which provides empty implementations of the JavaScript libraries when adblockers break the site. This seems to imply that some adblockers do prevent the JavaScript library from loading at all.
uBlock Origin just prevents the network requests from these tracking frameworks from completing. All the javascript tracking code I believe still executes, just doesn’t return.
If it were possible it would be great to prevent these javascript frameworks from being loaded at all by the browser. But I guess the website javascript code would break.
It would be interesting to replace the tracking frameworks with an empty stubbed out implementation that does nothing. Not for sure how feasible that would be.
It’s insane how wasteful modern software is. The infinite growth mindset causes companies to pack more useless features into software and load it up with spyware and adware.
Google and Facebook’s tracking and ad software are a big cause of computing waste in most websites and mobile apps.
the ACI allows the bloc to select from a wide range of retaliatory measures, such as revoking the protection of intellectual property rights or their commercial exploitation, for example, software downloads and streaming services.
Holy hell that would be glorious to revoke protection of intellectual property of Big Tech.
The Steam Deck has power pass through so the battery doesn’t get worn down when plugged in: https://bloggedoff.com/2024/04/25/steam-deck-battery-lifespan-power-passthrough/
This also impacts emulators and other re-implementations of proprietary systems. This allows Nintendo to threaten emulator devs and make it illegal to decrypt DRM encrypted games, media, or apps you legally purchased.
Proprietary software is also really dogmatic. Steve Jobs famously didn’t support flash on the iPhone, there also was no direct access to files/file system in the UI for a very long time. Tim Cook told someone’s Mom to just buy an iPhone to access iMessage. There’s too many user hostile dogmatic positions from Apple.
I think this has nothing to do with open source vs proprietary, but rather specific individuals having power/control over the software to force specific decisions.
Valve’s Steam Deck is the only piece of technology to come out over this past decade that is exciting. Desktops/laptops and smartphones have completely stagnated. Proprietary OSes with each release are introducing more user hostile features and spyware. The Steam Deck is a breath of fresh air with it not being locked down and you can install whatever you want, as it includes a full KDE desktop environment.
Not for sure exactly, maybe there are some details on the forums?