Oh, I know this one! A bunch of Nazis are going to get together, vote out the mods of transgender/gay/Jewish subreddits, and turn them into uber-right-wing hate parades.
I have yet to profit a single dime off of Reddit. After over ten years (11th Cake Day is coming up), and nothing to show for it but piles of worthless Karma.
As a Discord user, I keep forgetting that I have Discord.
It says a lot about Walter that he can honestly compliment a person he actively dislikes.
It would probably get the comment removed.
There are always people who think of themselves as relating to the service that they use, and not the people that make the service run.
It's the same mentality as yelling at the minimum wage cashier because the price of milk went up.
I liked the first movie. But I wouldn't call myself a fan of Avatar.
It felt a little self-indulgent when the marketing was all "This film took 10 years to make," And he plans a whole series of them years later.
80% of the top 5000 communities tells me that 1000 communities remain closed. That's a lot.
/r/StarTrek is one of them.