Don't look by new?
I mean you're comparing having an opinion to talking about facts...?
Unidan didn't make reddit wtf u talking about
Communism must be enforced somehow, it just ends up being authoritarian because of that
Sure I'm not saying they won't I'm saying there's not that many people who 'want' to beyond the effort of clicking install
I rat-brained and clicked my shortcut (now deleted) and actually got the "UH OH REDDIT IS DOWN AND IT'S YOUR FAULT, JERK" picture a couple times, rofl. Seems like they're getting ddosed too, or y'know regular shitty reddit responding to any traffic
On .world? Doesn't seem like it only one I see popping up img is ! and ! so maybe be more helpful instead of less?
It'll get there, just make less hats for a bit
Well then link it?
Man that place was a far right shithole where all lefties except the sockpuppet larp lefties were downvoted and was blatantly all the 'ists'
Possibly failure, because setup isn't just a simple or of box plop. And i can't see how pings from 5000 microservers is better than 5000 users looking to register? But that's more of a question than an informed opinion
Oops I fired the legal team!