The guy in the quote is all-in on sky magic. Look him up.
The guy the quote in the article is definitely a believer in make-believe fantasy land nonsense. Look up Claver Kamau-Imani.
Just like Spotify's AI "DJ" is blowing away real DJs.
It's nothing more than a way to ban/imprison whoever they want.
No, it's "IF YOU HAVE A PENIS GET THE FUCK OUT OF TELLING WOMEN WHAT TO DO WITH THEIR BODIES". End of story, get it through your thick dumbass skull.
Funny how it's the people who aren't impacted that have a say in a woman's choice.
It's okay, the GOP hates you, anyone not-GOP, and any Republican not absolutely loyal to the insurrectionists and stop-the-steal liars.
The issue is lifestyle abortions
No, it really is not. This is a manufactured outrage by your media overlords. The issue is women's health and autonomy (aka freedom).
And these folks are the bread and butter for the abortion industry
Lie. Back that up with something. There is no abortion industry. There is a right-wing propaganda industry, though. Sounds like you're a customer.
not using contraceptives or having a contraceptive failure
The contraceptives that religous extremists try to limit or ban. You think we don't see this shit?
We get to use violence against those who "commodify human life"? Cool, let's take out people forcing women to be baby-making machines.
You mean "terrorist".
I left several months ago due to the spam. Got that old Reddit itch so came back. Looks bleak.