
joined 8 months ago
[–] 8 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Stammt eindeutig von KI von der Struktur her.

Aber ja, in dem Fall werden so die Informationen tatsächlich gut zusammengefassst und rübergebracht. Und wenn man eine Informative Quelle füttert wie es der Autor wohl getan hat, ist die Chance für Halluzinationen auch sehr klein. Nur kennnzeichnen sollte man es.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Hat sich fairerwaiser unter der Ampel auch nicht gebessert. Zu Marokko wo die Beziehung vorher angespannt war, wurde die Beziehung gestärkt und Waffenexporte massiv erhöht.

Vergessen sind die andauernden Menschenrechtsverletzungen, die Vertreibung der Saraheli und dem minengespickten 2700km langem Berm um sie aus ihrem nativen Terretorium draußen zu halten. Das Referendum wird nicht durchgeführt, oder verschoben bis keiner mehr den hingesiedelten Marrokanern ihr Wohnrecht streitig macht. (Aufruf des Königs zur Besiedlung+Steuergeschenke nachdem der internationale Gerichtshof die Westsahara den Saraheli zugesprochen hat).Stattdessen baut man auf UN Friedenstruppen, die hier aber, im Gegensatz zu allen anderen Einsatzorten, nicht über Menschenrechte berichten dürfen.

[–] 32 points 3 months ago

Thanks to Patrick Breyer for reporting on this and techradar for picking it up. I wish the Pirate Party get more people into the parliament next election, so they can influence against such surveillance legislation.

Lets hope that the representatives of the countries have some common sense and vote against this. Or that they at least remember that Signal and Whatsapp said that they will be forced to leave the European market and that their voters will surely remember who was responsible for that.

[–] 30 points 3 months ago (1 children)

To explain this to the uninitiated: (First follow another explanation of the original combo)

In Magic spells are not in effect immediately, instead they go on the stack, before they are resolved. Spells from a stack are resolved in LiFo order, so last in, first out. Instants, like Gut Shot, can be put on the stack at any time by any player (simplified).

So Enemy gets his 21 mana with channel, you let that resolve, he has 1 life. He pumps it all into the fireball, now you act. While fireball is on the stack you cast Gut Shot, paying with 2 life of your 20. It goes on the stack. Your enemy hopefully has no response, without any mana left in his pool, and he looses his last life and the game.

When a player looses the game all his spells are removed from the stack, so you really win and there is no draw.

You stopped his combo with 4 cards worth unreal amounts of money with a single card worth about 50ct.

[–] 28 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Also she herself said that Otto Hahn deserved the Nobel prize. She and Otto Frisch (far kess known than she is!) did the theoretical work regarding the physics behind it.

But Pauli got the physics prize that year, and he sure deserves it. Maybe one of the later prices could have been awarded to her.

[–] 6 points 5 months ago

If you have solar panels you can turn on appliances or compute intensive tasks if they produce power.

If you have humidity problems, an alarm can remind you if aerating makes sense. If you additionally have a bad landlord you can prove you aerated three times per day and still mold did grow, so he has to fix something!

If you have a home theatre one button can dim the lights, turn on the TV, and close the blinds.

You can have your motion controlled floor lights only turn on red in the night.

Small things which are in total useful.

With HomeAssistant its easy to do without any cloud connection.