
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 6 months ago (3 children)

Why doesn't he visit the United States?


Since its founding in 2003, the legal services and advocacy organization If/When/How has been working to fight back against state intervention in people’s reproductive lives. In addition to training lawyers, working with law students, and maintaining a legal defense fund, the organization also operates a free and confidential helpline designed to help callers navigate legal emergencies and pose questions regarding their right to access abortions and other forms of reproductive care.

... Since Dobbs, If/When/How has received more than 5,000 inquiries, with more than half of them pertaining to the caller’s legal rights to use abortion pills, the risks of using pills, or judicial bypass, which allows minors to petition a judge to grant them permission for an abortion without telling their parents.

The report, “State Violence and the Far-Reaching Impact of Dobbs,” ... also focuses on calls from those currently under carceral control, whether detained in jails and prisons or on probation or parole.

Barriers to care

Abortion access varies depending on where incarcerated pregnant people are detained. Even prior to Dobbs, some states did not allow incarcerated people to have abortions, while many others only allowed abortions during the first trimester. Pre-Dobbs, only four states had laws ensuring abortion access to incarcerated people; just 23 states had some standard or regulation regarding abortion access for incarcerated pregnant people.


[–] 1 points 8 months ago

Yes, but mines ruin villages and their water supply; and if the villagers protest, then the company may kill them

[–] 7 points 8 months ago

I feel the need to clarify that these types of projects usually don't bring "generational jobs and careers" but usually bring outside workforce who will leave when damage done.

[–] 4 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

garden plot corner

made a tiny berm out of all the leaves I raked and the grass I cut from the garden bed!

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

picture of garden beds with plants or seeds, St Andrew’s Cross bush, a tree branch, and a berm

Nitrogen-Fixing Food Crops

  1. "Iron and Clay" cowpea (ran out, so went back and scattered them out well)
  2. Snap Pole Bean Rattlesnake 🫘
  3. Snap Bush Bean Mountaineer White Half-Runner 🫛

Nitrogen-Fixing Cover Crops

  1. Crimson Clover
  2. Red Clover
  3. Alfalfa
  4. White clover

Cover Crop

Buckwheat. (couldn't get drought-tolerant. sold out)


  1. Anasazi sweet corn (almost out. definitely need to save some of these seeds and the cowpeas)
  2. sunflower (edible, not ornamental or bird seed)
  3. Flat parsley - ran out, time for regular, curly parsley.
  4. Red Ruby 🥬
  5. Detroit Dark beet
  6. Early Scarlet radish - I am not sure if I will like this, but I missed the daikon radishes so.
  7. Southern curly mustard - doing well and always resembles a tastey dinner, happily soaking up the ☀️ from a pot.
  8. Leek
  9. Red Russian kale 🥬
  10. Swiss Chard - like beet seed because they are in the same family, who are all drought tolerant. I got a clump of seeds the other day!

Crop for cat

Cat grass

It took a few hours to cut the grass in today’s garden bed. It was a bit daunting and a bit tedious sometimes, and sometimes, I just wanted it to be over with; but other times, I was lazily lying on my mat and trimming the grass.

I started with cat grass on the edge of the bed since it’s on the edge of the garden plot, so if the neighbor cat comes back over, they might figure out that there’s a snack there for them. I had some buckwheat, today. I’m growing that as cover and maybe some food/seed.

I found a little more grass as I was dropping the initial type(s) of seed. Of course, this grass-cutting might be unnecessary, and a controlled burn might be easier. Like, if there's enough room for a fire, just piling up limbs or sticks that I'm trying to get rid of and burning them on a permitted day with a water hose nearby might make a great garden bed.

Didn't put any food crops with cat grass but did put cover crops. I hope the cats don't poop on my food crops! But if they do, I will clean it out, and I could let those crops go to seed? Some animal has dug some more in my plot and a bed. Previously, they had dug in the mulch near a garlic plant.🧄

With the big seeds, I can space them out by hand.

Stare-at-sky break, some stretches. No, I am not praying.

Not much drought.

I just go by one of those seed schedules that I see in seed stores or seed swaps. Didn't do that until last autumn.

When I walk by my food, grown full of nutrients, it's easy to harvest them

St Andrew's Cross volunteer who gets yellow cross flowers, provides seeds for birds & pollen for bees and butterflies, and might nurse the crops with shelter and shade during the scorching summers.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago

I was just talking about an alternative to those farmers. The whole thread was about those farmers, not the vote. If they want to restore the damaged landscapes, they could leave that to us as well, because we could cover the damaged landscapes with humanure compost that will break down most toxins. (Kitchen scraps also go into humanure compost.)

Also, besides mulch and native plants, we could grow drought-tolerant crops instead of irrigating, and to the degree that we can make gardener communities, we can scale up our gardens to farms.

[–] 3 points 11 months ago (3 children)

We could garden and farm by ourselves and the communities we can make, staying as close to nature as possible, without tilling, irrigating, or using chemicals, and by using mulch and some native plants instead.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Yeah, but from an anthropologist view, cities (and specialization) have basically been the downfall of our species. I don't know; I guess bolo'bolo mentioned some city-like places supported by farms. (and Çatalhöyük)

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (7 children)

Don't do it. Quit fighting nature. Move inland. Quit living in cities! Okay, I know no one is going to do any of this.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

Benjamin Franklin wanted everyone to be apprentices.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Privet also does just fine as a hedge, and people in the UK actually use it for this purpose. Ironically, that's where I've seen privet growing—along borders, so people who hate privet might as well leave the stuff unless it's in their way.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

I would just do the cover crops along with some nitrogen fixers for several years.

PS – I would keep getting the lawn clippings and use them to mulch my plants.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

Try this search engine for native plants in your zip code.

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