Hooray for third world freedom. I've been raw-dogging torrent for years.
Isn't that the halting problem?
As a vim user, I'm always super envious of emac's orgmode.
I used to watch ClementJ's Mega Man X and Zero LPs.
Butterfly stroke. Technique's still terrible but I cam clear, may be, 30 meters in one go. Because if the nerve problems in my leg, I decided to drop jogging and start swimming again.
Pineapples and anchovies.
Even programming jobs are like excel sheets with extra steps.
You have to download the original ROM and a patch file that the hack creator provide. Creators generally won't provide you with the patched ROM though. I think it's called IPS patching. You can patch it online by googling 'IPS patcher online'. Just download the original Pokemon Fire Red ROM and the rom hack patch file. Then upload to the online patcher site. You will get the patched ROM you can play.
A top tier hack gotta be Unbound.
KeepassXC, Syncthing, Orgmode ecosystem.
My first smartphone is HTC and it looked like yours, but with android.
There's a man-made lake that's famous for it's edible frogs.