It is unnatural. The focus follows where you are looking at. Having that fixed based on the mouse/center of the screen instead of what my eyes are doing feels so wrong to me.
I bet with good eye tracking it would feel different.
Also a great VR Headset and the runtime used by this and many other VR Headsets. If anyone is actually innovating it's Valve. Everyone else is mostly trying to catch up to the features Steam provides.
Steam isn't just the client, it's also a ton of APIs (steamworks sdk) and services available to developers for integration with Steam, Steam workshop, distribution of updates, cloud save, multiplayer, chat, achievements etc.
No other launcher comes even close in terms of functionality even if the UI isn't perfect.
We have regulations here in Germany (EU wide even if I am not mistaken). The solar inverters used are required to shut off within I think 200ms of the 50hz grid power going down. The inverters sold here can't output anything without grid power being detected on the AC output.
Why is everyone in this thread making assumptions and spreading fear instead of actually looking up how it works?
I move away from the mic to breathe in