Er der udsigt til et Visma-angreb på den sidste del af etapen, eller bliver der ikke kørt for klassement i dag?
I love this one. Even though it’s a cover it’s quintessential Beatles. The inclusion of it on With the Beatles and their performance on the Ed Sullivan shows the range of the band and gives a good preview of what’s to come.
Within 2 years, the band would release 3 albums and 2 movies. Within 7 years the Beatles would break up.
Vildt at Vingegaard tog sejren. Pogacar så træt ud til sidst.
Is moist crust desirable?
Yes. Here are some common ones in my native language, danish:
- pga: på grund af (because of)
- dvs: det vil sige (used for adding additional explaination)
- ift: i forhold til (in relation to)
I’m certain there are also some more modern slang abbreviations in use, but these change relatively frequently, like they do in English.
Denmark need to get into the flow of the first half. This is embarrassing.
What an insane opening!
Is Apple not going to allow sideloading in the EU soon?
It used to be that they paired a known word with an unknown word, and if you got the known word right you would pass no matter what you wrote for the unknown one.
I wonder if Elon chose a timeframe of 5 years because Yann LeCun won the Turing Award in 2018.
While pi is irrational, there is no guarantee every conceivable sequence of digits will be in pi. However the library of babel contains all letter sequences under a certain length.
En flot præstation fra Danmark indtil videre, men lidt ærgerligt at se det tyske landshold falde helt fra hinanden.