Because what they said was, They have game series like mega man that they refuse to Move past side scrolling, you play their games and they even leave out basic shit like “pick up item” animations and voice acting. Implying that the kind of games I like should have stopped existing as technology marched on.
Second, the left has been calling the right Nazis for decades.
No comment about the word "feminazi"?
So... they shouldn't exist?
Yeah, how dare people ask you for [checks notes] evidence of radical claims. What is the world coming to?
As someone on an instance without downvotes... it's a non-issue. I don't even think about downvotes until people start whining about them.
There was a 3D Megaman platformer. It was called Megaman Legends and it got a sequel, but for some reason they never made a third one.
Meanwhile... If you like the gameplay of Ratchet & Clank why not just play that? I like JRPGs but I'm not upset that Psychonauts isn't a JRPG, for example...
I'm coming at this from the perspective of a Sonic the Hedgehog fan. The Genesis/Mega Drive platformers were peak. The 3D games were... well, some of them were okay, but all the money and effort that was poured into them meant that for a long time, Sega wasn't making the kind of game I actually found fun. The problem with changing up the entire style of the game you make is that you'll inevitably leave fans behind.
Is this a joke? Side-scrolling platformers are fun and not every game needs voice-acting.
I honestly have no idea if MAPs are trolls or actual pedos trying to rebrand.
"Pedosexual" was a false flag operation by 4channers to try and make people think LGBTQ folks supported pedos.
Death by lightning strike would be a lot more common.
Your comment is gibberish.